Thirty-one days of thankfulness 2014 ~ Day twenty-two


  1. Dentistry is amazing today! Something to be thankful for indeed, even if it's not all fun. Blessings, Pam

  2. Oops...keep forgetting to sign in. If this is my second comment, let it go! Ha!

    1. Okay, the first was lost. I was just saying that I sent an email without knowing that today marks
      the anniversary of this incident. How odd that I would be thinking so much about it. Your son has
      done so well and your family's testimony stands firm. Praise God for modern medicine and dentistry
      indeed. May those specialists restore his wonderful smile to perfection.

  3. So thankful along with you all.

  4. grateful that he has a shining white smile again.

  5. Rejoicing with you...with him!

  6. I just read down through your last few thankful posts and I appreciate you taking the time to stop and acknowledge things you are grateful for. So often we fly through daily life and don't take time to stop and reflect. It has caused me to do the same. Thankful for you and your beautiful blog!


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