first bouquet of roses 2014

Once a year when spring is full...
my roses begin to bloom.

They are just as I remember them...
and worth the wait.

I love spring.
I am reminded that God's promises are new every morning.

all for now...
with love,


  1. Just beautiful, Lovella!

    God is such a gifted creator of beauty, isn't He?

    Thanks for sharing them with us!


  2. What a gorgeous bouquet! Hope that all is going well in your corner.

  3. Lush and beautiful roses. They come every year and remind us of God's faithfulness.

  4. They are gorgeous. It seems to be a day for posting about first-blooming roses. I just saw the same theme on a blogger from England's post and she's right above you on my blog list at the moment (due to the order of posting). Enjoy your wonderful roses . . . I am sure they fill the house with fragrance.

  5. Oh how absolutely beautiful Lovella! Your picture is so crisp and pretty. No matter how cold the winter, the rose still blooms forth in Spring. God is truly faithful.

  6. This is a beautiful way to end my day today. Pink, fragrant roses always remind me of my God's love and faithfulness. Tonight, it reminds me of the talented friends in my life, too. Gifts from His hands.

  7. Beautiful! And yes...what a great reminder of God's faithfulness.

  8. Someone has a special touch for growing roses. I can actually smell them. Enjoy God's faithfulness and his beauty.

  9. That's a beautiful bouquet, Lovella. I have seen one or two of my Rugosa Roses but none of the hybrids are yet blooming. It must be warmer where you are!


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