sharing ... and the way home.

He shared his ice cream.

She shared a walk on a windy morning ...

We shared some fun at the end of a grassy pier while the wind was blowing in a storm...

We shared some jokes on the beach...

I shared my beach chair...fairly often. 

We shared a book.

Before we knew it ...
it was time to go home. 
It is only two weeks since we packed our bags to board the plane to come home...
and yet it seems like a month...
maybe more.

Good times were had by all.
We played and ate and even on the way home...
did some sleeping.

Here is one final travel tip...

If your head can't stay up on it's own...
just borrow a pair of pyjama bottoms  from your sister and tie the legs to the back of your car seat.

Thank you for sharing our trip with me.
It was a lot of fun remembering it all and maybe one day we'll be able to do it again.

I'm so thankful...
so very thankful.

all for now...


  1. All the photos are marvelous!!!! This trip is going to reap such huge dividends for everyone concerned!! Think how they will remember it for the rest of their life!!! Love seeing the cousin bonds so strong and the parent-children bonds and the grandparent-children bonds (and the grandma/grandpa bond too!). Lots to give thanks for!!!!

  2. Wonderful photos Lovella. I love the tip at the end. Very innovative. :)

  3. This is the trip of a lifetime. So wonderful!


  4. So glad you explained the last photo. I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure it out. What a great time you had together. Memory-making.

  5. So much fun to keep in your heart!

  6. ...and thanks for sharing your family vacation here with us. I've enjoyed it.

  7. Made me smile every day! Love that pic of the weary traveler.

  8. Thanks for sharing. :) So many memories for you all to re-live! It looks like the best family time.

  9. Hi Lovella - what wonderful posts and beautiful pictures of your family holiday! Love the pajamas tied to his head...who's brilliant idea was that... so cute!! Love, Flo

  10. What lovely memories you've documented Lovella! That last picture is just the cutest - what a great idea for keeping that little head from bobbing. Love all the pictures you've shared and especially your comments too!

  11. Your travel journal was wonderful Lovella - what an amazing memory for you all.
    I especially loved the last picture of a sleeping O Henry and his clever travel trip!

  12. I loved looking through your posts. It looks like you had the bet time in your life with your family. What a wonderful way to savor all of these memories and treasure them in our heart for ever and ever. So glad that you took the opportunity. This may become a new tradition.


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