Live Radio

The last time the MB Herald came to the house I flipped through it and and then opened it up to the full page ad that our publisher put into the publication.
I placed it on my coffee table to see what the real book would look like.

We appreciate all the interviews, advertisements and radio and television opportunities that are being arranged on our behalf.

Most of the radio interviews are taped...
I have three today.
I'd appreciate if you would  pray for me.

all for now....


  1. Praying for you today!! You will be brilliant I'm sure. What a ride!!!!

  2. Praying for you Lovella. Very exciting! Blessings, Pamela

  3. I will be praying for you today, Lovella, claiming the promise of wisdom and a tongue of the learned. You will do GREAT! Today --- my copy arrives via Amazon special delivery! Excited!

  4. So glad the interviews are done for today! Thank you for being available for these on all of our behalf.

  5. Wish I had checked in earlier, though I did say a little prayer. Hope that you have a restful and uneventful afternoon and evening.

  6. Thanks, Lovella...for speaking on our behalf. Again...and again!

  7. So glad the interviews are done at home...I suspect the television ones will come later?

  8. Praying for you Lovella. The article by the magazine was lovely too.


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