design completed

I'm so excited.
The book is fully designed and I think it is more beautiful that any of us imagined.
The last proof was sent to us this week and the last adjustment requests have been made.

Preordering from major online retailers is open and to celebrate we are offering you a chance to win our new book Celebrations due to be released May 2nd...

Many of you have been asking where our royalties will be going for this book and we are excited to announce that we will be designating the funds to the WASH program in Africa.
We'll share more about that amazing program in the days to come.

all for now...


  1. A big HOORAY! from the east coast!! SO exciting! Congratulations!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! The cover of the book is so beautiful that I'm sure the inside must be too!!! I can't wait to see it!!!!

  3. As I said in a comment to Ellen, I received my email notice this morning and look forward to ordering for myself and a few other special people. What a joy to be able to support such another worthwhile project. Thanks for sharing the blessing.

  4. Congratulations on the fruition of all your hard work. You gals have been most faithful and diligent.

  5. What a sense of accomplishment you must be feeling right now! I love the cover and can hardly wait to see it. There will be much "celebration" once it arrives! Have a wonderful deserve some R & R.

  6. I love the cover design. Whoever thought of apron chair skirts was a genius. No wonder you gals are so excited and to think the profits are going to a charity of choice. Hope to read more about that soon.



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