We had just finished our toast and yogurt when the sweetest sight arrived at our door.
Having just dropped off big brother at kindergarten, they came with their own lunch kits complete with the breakfast they didn't have time to finish at home.
They love their Hafer-Flocken and no one makes it as good as their mommy.
I know this...because I've made it cooked with milk...
as she does...
and it seems...it isn't the same.
I asked her to show "how to eat Hafer-Floken"...
and she did.
They should put her in a grocery store to do a Quaker Oats demonstration...
don't you think?
Have you had your oatmeal (Hafer-Floken) today?
all for now...
What a dear little grand to join you for breakfast. No, I haven't had my oatmeal. The closest I get is Honey-nut Cheeios as I never cared for oatmeal. Just something about the texture and the fact that a housekeeper we had when we were very little and our mother was in the hospital forced us to eat it. It wasn't very good I'm afraid and I have just never acquired a taste for it - even though I know it's very healthy. I'm glad your little one enjoys it so. A good start to the day!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet. I can't remember what we called oatmeal in our Swiss Mennonite but do remember that wheat was called "Haver" and the flakes I don't recall. Such a healthy breakfast! Your granddaughter is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteYes! That little cherub could sell a lot of oatmeal for sure. What a cutie pie.
ReplyDeleteI didn't today! But I usually have Hafer Floken every morning. (I love that name!)
ReplyDeleteYes....we just had ours! She certainly would bump up sales....cuteness.
ReplyDeleteGood idea. Maybe I'll head to the kitchen and make up a small batch just for me...
ReplyDeleteShe's a cutie!!
Haferflocken ...take me home!
ReplyDeleteOh... she is the cutest porridge eater!
Such a litle sweetheart..I love haferflocken too! Everybody cooks it their own special way. Quaker Oats would do well to 'snap her up' before anyone else finds her:)
ReplyDeleteOh yes...I had my haferlocken this morning. We called it 'hafer gritse' when I was growing up...and it was our standard breakfast cereal. Sweet poster girl for Quaker Oats!
ReplyDeleteWe even need to take our Hafer Locken on vacation. I love watching the sparkle in their eyes as they dig in and enjoy a down to earth breakfast that has fed many generations.