visiting kindergarten

The last time I was a special helper in a kindergarten class was in 1986.
In some ways it was just as I had remembered.
Little children coming into the classroom holding their mommy's hands and blowing kisses goodbye ...
and in some cases...running for one more hug.
Her Daddy did the same thing.

I was invited by Grandgirlie to come help in her class.
She was the special helper of the day and was allowed to bring a lucky person to visit.
Who would say no?
I was doubly blessed because the lil' farm hand is in the same class.

I kept tearing up.
Is that normal?
It probably is for a "Grammie".

As I watched them practice their Christmas program for the rest home..
I was back in the place where those same verses were recited and the same songs were sung.
I was mesmerized by the teacher.
She had such a calm and peaceful way about her.
It reminded me of our children's kindergarten teacher..
and the memories of that time flooded back again.

As soon as  I got home...
my beloved announced he was taking me out for lunch...
he wanted all the details.

I told him about the program they were practicing..
of the Christmas story.

Little girls gracefully signing the lyrics while  the melody of "Mary did you know?"..
accompanied them softly.
Little boys with their cookie tin drums...
marching in a circle while Little Drummer boy...
told the best story ever told.

I told him how when Grandgirlie sat in the special small chair beside the teacher and answered various enquires from the class...
she answered the question of which was her best present for her recent birthday by responding...
my doll house (which she then looked over at me with a grin).

I told him how when I accompanied the special helper and her assistant to deliver the attendance to the school office...
they marched right in...
dropped the attendance record on the desk...
picked up the tiny tongs and plucked a jelly bean from the jar.

On the way back to the class..
I asked if they were not going to pop it in their mouth.
They looked at me as though I was tempting them and that wasn't nice...
their response..."we are not goes in our lunch bag to take home".
Okay...  such discipline...I never knew.

I told him how when they had prayer time...
little heads were bowed and hands went up and one sweet heart prayed...
that Jesus would help her brother with his "silly" cough.

Jesus hears.

One day they might be blessed enough to visit  their grandchildren in kindergarten.
Some things will change...
but the things that matter most..
will always be.

all for now...


  1. Oh to be in a Christian School... Loved this accounting of your day and how happy this kindergarten class is and safe and nurturing and foundational. Good stuff!

  2. What a beautiful morning you had at the Grandchildren's kindergarten class. Precious little lives being moulded for the future. Little Blessings.

  3. How happy and proud those two must have been to have their Grammie come to be the helper! What a joy for you!
    Just minutes ago I spoke with my son whose five year old is having a very hard time in school - the kindergarten closed last week and there was a move to a big, new school. It means nearly a half hour on a bus after being able to walk to school from home. How I wish the boys were in a Christian kindergarten and not in a big public school where conforming is the most valued trait.

  4. Such a sweet accounting of your visit to the grand's kindergarten class. Treasure those memories...because time marches on much too quickly!

  5. What a precious experience wrapped up for you! What a blessing to be able to share.

  6. I am sure no entertainment review of the day was presented in local papers but I am positive your "event" rated five stars and anyone with a beating heart would deem each moment to be deeply satisfying.
    Thank you for letting us join you vicariously; I felt like I was there too.
    (Had a fleeting thought that this one day in a kindergarten class will provide stiff competition against high school graduation day emotions.)

  7. PS: fantastic self portrait! You planned that, right?

  8. So sweet! I love this age! What a privilege to have a peek into their world outside of your home.

  9. Those are the days that bring us teary eyed...they have memories for all of us and it's hard to believe that we get to relive some of these wonderful moments and hold them in our hands. But we have this moment today. Great recount of your day.

  10. What a precious post! There was much in this day spent and shared. You are a wonderful grammie and I know your heart is full!

  11. Oh Lovella - this is such a sweet story! I especially liked that your beloved wanted to hear all about it - that is so special! What a great day for you and for your sweet granddaughter!

  12. Do you know what Lovella? I teared up as I read this. Each little detail was shared in love and tenderness. What was also so special about this post, is the fact that your husband asked to hear all about it all. You sure do have a handle on the role of grammie to one fortunate young lady.


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