Celebration Cover

We have shared our upcoming new book cover on the Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog...
but for sake of documenting part of my life journey...
I'd like to share it here too.

When I see the cover,
I think of all the love and care that so many put into each part of the details you can see.

More of the story behind the table and what that day involved will be included in the book.
Our new aprons and the inspiration for them...
the color choices ...
the theme of the book...
and so on.

The first three sections have been completed in each kitchen and now we are checking and double checking for accuracy before compiling them into a manuscript.
It is a blessing to have this opportunity and I am grateful every day for the gift of the team God has blessed me with.

It is a recipe testing and photographing day.
I find the days that I plan for this exciting.
At the end of a photo shoot I can't upload photos quick enough...
and then I sit and savour them on the screen...
deleting...starring...and narrowing down the choices.
I can't imagine anything I'd rather be doing.

all for now..


  1. Sounds wonderful, Lovella. You're in "the zone" or in the "sweet spot," which is so delicious and helps you to know that you are doing just what you should be doing at this time. This post makes me smile...I'll be smiling every time I think about it all day long. Have a marvelous day!

  2. What a lovely feeling I get from this post. I know you are aware of the gift this book is to everyone who uses it, and to you too. All that hard work that gives you so much pleasure and has opened up another world to you. I think that's why I enjoy your little posts about the book so much.

  3. I think this cover is so beautiful. It must be a lot of hard and tedious work doing the writing and editing for a book but so rewarding when you finally see in in print. Blessings to you!

  4. The cover is lovely - and I'm really looking forward to the recipes and the layout in the book! I think beautiful photos and design really make a cookbook. And I'm so glad you enjoy the process! It's wonderful to think how much this book will bless everyone - those who created it, those who buy it and those who will benefit from the proceeds! God bless you as you work on it - I know it's a labour of love for you all!

  5. Oh sweet! I've been waiting to see when I could share the cover on my own blog, too. It really is good to keep thinking of the big picture as we work out the tedious details. Enjoying the journey with you...

  6. Oh my, I am so excited to get the book....The
    cover is wonderful and I am sure the rest of the
    book will be worth the wait until it is in my
    hands....I love the first book and use the recipes
    and read and re-read the stories.....All ya'll's
    labor of love for the book and now the second
    book is greatly appreciated by me, out here in
    Love from NC

  7. I'm pretty sure that I can judge this book by it's cover!! I simply can't wait to own this book - it looks absolutely beautiful. You gals are so so talented and I admire each and every one of you!!!

  8. The cover is beautiful Lovella...when is the expected launch date? Glad you are able to do what you really love :)

  9. I think it's unanimous...we all love the cover. And we love your enthusiasm, Lovella!

  10. I can't think of anything else that I'd rather have you doing either. You make cookbook production seem so exciting, especially when it involves MG who truly can Cook. The cover is beautifully done.

  11. It looks beautiful Lovella! I can't wait to buy a copy.


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