the snapshots that tell the story

Little Miss Muffet was tucked into bed last night when we arrived to sit the babies.

A hullabaloo ensued when I peeked in to kiss good night.
If we were there...
where were mommy and daddy and when I couldn't find them.
It was an unhappy moment.

The tired little sweet couldn't fall asleep.

I brought her back downstairs in her sleep sack and we sat and looked at the snapshots on the blog.

This...she decided..
was better than mommy and daddy and the tears soon dried and she pointed out all she knew...
 all the landmarks she holds dear...
and all the fun times she remembers.

Soon enough..
she started to rub her sleepy eyes and we went back up to her room.

She snuggled in while I rocked and sang 24 stanza's of E I E I O.

I laid her down...
and hummed another 10 stanza's of E I E I O....
while slowly backing out of the room.

This all happened just as I was wondering what to blog for today.

It reminds me again how there are stories to tell all around us and moments that we should tell..
for little girls grow up and I may not remember for ever.

all for now...


  1. Oh, what a precious moment in time for Grammie and Little Miss Muffet. Just so sweet. I can hear the love in your voice!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Something is very skitzy with comments here. There were two comments from me so I deleted one. Now there are none.

    1. Aww Vee...your first comment arrived at my inbox so I will just reply here. I will study up on all the words for Moon River...since I would enjoy singing that one so much more. Her favorite is E I E I O...but maybe we can sing 3 stanza's of that and then move on to Moon River.

    2. What a sweet post....I have traced those steps and sang....backing out of the it! Looks like a nice way to spend the evening:)

  4. Awwwww - you are a most wonderful Grammie!!!

  5. That is so funny that she wants to go to sleep with EIEIO~
    So wise to document these moments that are so easy to forget over the years!

  6. I love how you brought her to your computer...I so many times have realized how those photos fill there hearts with fills that void.
    And how many times have we have sung EIEIO.

  7. The singing, someties back rubbing, humming, more slowly, and quieter,...I've done that, seems so long ago. Dairymary

  8. I can relate to them enjoying the pictures on the computer. Your moment with her was precious, I can tell. One day she will remember, as I do, her Grammie's singing and special love for her. May you have many more.

  9. Sweet memories indeed - I'm so happy to be making some of the same!

  10. The little moments...I think those are the most blog worthy.
    Thanks for the lullabye suggestion. Baby praise songs per your suggestion are a standard choice. For play songs we do Tie me kangaroo down, sport (YouTube has all the verses).

  11. So sweet. Memories to treasure. Love the picture of you backing out of the room while humming. Been there, done that. Will probably be doing it again with the grandchildren.


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