Lovella Juice

Photo courtesy of Lovella juice company website

Yesterday my cousin Nancy sent me  a link to this juice.
I couldn't help but be amused.  My name is not that common and yet in the Croatian agriculture region
they call their juice Lovella based on the idea of "in love with nature concept".

I surely wish I could have a bottle or maybe an assortment.

Check out the invitation to come visit on their website...
which flavour would you like me to bring back for you?

If you are going to Croatia soon and want to bring me back a souvenir...
here is the map.

Maybe I'll have to order up a case one day...
for one of those milestone events.

Thanks for the smile Nancy!
Speaking of smiles...
I aim to bring a few to the faces of some dear ones this weekend.

all for now..


  1. How fun is that? It has a nice to ring to it...Lovella Juice. I'm hoping you get a souvenir from them one day!

  2. This post is delightful! Your title made me very curious - such fun! Enjoy your weekend and safe travels.

  3. Sweet!! And I love how they made a heart within the "O" - you definitely need to get some of these.

  4. If I ever go to Croatia! I wonder if you have any readers there?
    I won't be surprised if some bottles end up on your table one day.

  5. Thanks too for the smile that this brought for me today. Who would have thought?

  6. oh...that is too fun! I think you need a case of that to prop up on a shelf in your kitchen.

  7. That is TOO fun!!!! Wish you could buy yourself some!!

  8. I'm thirsty - and they look so refreshing!

  9. I think these would be perfect for a bday celebration, don't you?

  10. Ohh .. I think that is just tooooo sweet ! You do need to get some of them bottles !!


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