garden report

The rhubarb in the front of the garden is looking a bit thin in the stalks...
for good reason.
I am merciless on it.

It won't be long and we'll need to put the pea netting up.
This year we planted the peas along one edge of the garden..
for easy picking...for us..and the grands. 

I love the idea of telling them to go pick some peas before supper instead of putting out a veggie tray for that hour before dinner when they are SO hungry.

We tried a different variety of carrots this year.
We are hoping for sweet pick and eat carrots.
What kind do you plant?

They almost look like beet greens already.
When we were in Mexico this spring we couldn't get enough of their raw grated beets.
We ate our fair share every day at lunch over our salad.

Odd camera angle!
I ran out of onions again yesterday.
Soon...that will not happen.

Radishes are almost one of those immediate gratification situations.
First to pick from the garden...
and so pretty in a salad.

The basil...
is ready to pick.
Now I'm thinking about Bev's Pizza the book.

It won't be long and we'll be looking for potato buds...
and fresh potato salad will soon be on the menu.

that is it for this week.
I'm ever so happy the weekend has arrived.
The sun promises to come out..
and I've got myself a little bag packed.

Woo hoo!
all for now..


  1. Taking notes here. Perhaps a wee patch of radishes would be good I'm thinking. What fun to go get some peas to tide a growing kid over.

  2. I love your garden reports Lovella. Looks like things are growing just as they should. Sounds like you off on an adventure whilst your garden grows some more - have fun!

  3. Good thing the garden will grow without you. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Keep on eating those grated raw beets. They are a natural anti-inflammatory and help those joints immensely.

  5. I'm surprised your basil looks so good. The gal at the garden shop told me it was too early to plant out basil...that our nights are too cold. I planted carrots in one of those strips of seeds this year. We'll see how that goes.
    Your garden will be growing nicely this weekend...sunshine after the rain!

  6. Your garden is growing so well, Lovella! I still have to plant basil. We ahve had hard rain all week but my daughter's wedding day was beautiful!

  7. How fun it is to see such speedy results to your labor. Love all the green sprouts!

  8. Haven't tried grated beets...have you tried eating radish sprouts, picked with just first set of leaves? Good way to thin radishes if one just dribble the seeds, or spilled them by mistake like I did once.

  9. Radishes are my favorite so crunchy and RED!!! My bag is packed as well, we'll have to compare notes next week.

  10. I must say that your garden must have some kind of growth steroids. It seems like you just planted it yesterday...and I'm still trying to find some fresh basil...It's so much fun to pick the fresh vegetables in season.

  11. We like grated raw beets on our salads too. Your gardening skills are impressive. Is there any area that you are not gifted in?:)

    Hope you have a great weekend!


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