the family converged

On Friday night we met at the home of Grandgirlie and Little Miss Muffet.
To say they were excited to welcome cousins to their home would be highly understated.
Little Oh ....who is still unfazed by his cousins was on the other hand quite happy to find a teething food that tasted delicious and stood up to his little sharp teeth.

Grandgirlie dressed for the occasion and wore every bit of princess clothing and jewels she owned.
She and the lil' farm hand observed the cutting of the Mother's Day/Daddy's birthday icecream cake.
This is sure to be a custom they come to love since to this day...
Stuart prefers DQ cakes to anything else.

Little Miss Muffet (chatting it up with Grandpa) and Kanneloni Macaroni  also were in the party mood...
and took the opportunity to share as many cheddar fishies as a party would allow.

Terrence and Bea stood near ...
to offer assistance with the cake.

If there is one thing I have not yet managed to learn ...
is taking photos of my family.

When the best photo is this...
I am not sure whether to give up on family photos..
or never give up.

I'll keep trying...
because nothing is worth more than family.

is Stuart's birthday.
He's such a great son!

On top of that all...
it is a holiday!

all for now..


  1. I'm grinning about your comments on family photos. Since my blog is mostly a record for me of when we did what, I'm going to keep on trying. I think you should as well. Happy Birthday to your son and a wish for a wonderful year. The grands look so cute dressed in their finery for the party! Have a terrific holiday today.

  2. I love this's beautiful! I too find it difficult to take family pics. One of the reasons, I think, is that I am so involved in what's going on that it's difficult to take myself out of it to stop and take a picture. Another reason is that I want to avoid the accusations of, "Are you going to put that on your blog?" LOL

    P.S. I like the pic of Little Miss Muffet chatting it up with Grandpa!

  3. Looks like a great family time was had by all. I too can identify with the lack of family pictures. Like Kathy said about the accusations of blogging them - I am self conscious of that as well. Some of my family (as in the farmer) do NOT want pics on the world wide web - sigh! Lovella - I think you do a fine job and have noticed that you are careful to not give out too much personal information - especially about your adorable grands! I'm still learning about all these things and would love to know people's thoughts on this subject.

  4. Ice Cream cake has become my birthday/mother's day cake as well, since our future son-in-law came into the family. I'm all in favour of this new tradition!
    I love the little one in all her princess finery.

  5. Family photos are always a challenge...but I can guarantee that Ice Cream Cakes are one big favorite here also...probably because I never made them when they were little, and that's because I did not have an MGCC blog.
    Enjoy the day.

  6. Family photos are good however unplanned they are...'a moment in time'. And is priceless!

    Kids of all ages love ice-cream cakes...our family can attest to that.

    Great kitchen...BTW!

  7. I always wanted to try one of those ice cream cakes. Did you say it came from DQ? I'm with you on the family photos, it seems just as the picture is taken they turn.

  8. It is funny how your family avoids the camera! But candid shots are great becasue we all know what it's like... life is not posed ...
    Happy Birthday to your Stuart! He was such a cutie as a little guy! Maybe he still is.

  9. Never give up on those family photos! :0) They'll always cherish the ones we don't think are great anyways...
    Happy Birthday to Stuart!

  10. Your son & ours share the same birthday - and I share your sentiment about the difficulty of good family pics. I'll keep trying too.


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