Paska Class 2012

Paska Class 2012 was a good time.
I'm never sure who enjoys the class more...
the eaters...or the cooks.

This years menu was Mennonite Easter Cold Meal.
Not every mom served Easter Meal cold...
but many did...
including my mom.

Ham with Mustard Sauce
Potato Salad
Obst Moos


Coleslaw...cut fresh...not from the bag..
with Anneliese's....
Coleslaw Dressing.

all iced and waiting to be loved.

Kathy and Anneliese...
preparing and chatting it up with class members.

Judy and Julie..
prep all done...
waiting for class to begin.

Lepp's baked one of their home grown hams during the day...
and it was delicious.

Remember that...when you go to buy your Easter Ham. 

Julie...Judy...Kathy and Bev...
dishing up supper.

Who is this?

She was the guest of honor.

As you already know...
all the proceeds of the classes we do at Lepp Farm Market go towards equipping the kitchen for Matthew's House...which will be built ...

This lady...
is Matthew's Mom.

Andrea has a passion of her own.
When Matthew was born...
he was loved and and cherished...
he faced many health issues that caused him much discomfort in his life.
Matthew passed away eighteen months ago but his legacy will live on.

A home is being built that will offer a safe place for children to be loved and cared for while their parents take much needed time to rest and reenergize.

It is an honor...
to have a small part of seeing their dream come true.

And that...
was Paska Class...


  1. Oh I love Paska. I'd be thrilled to take a Paska class. I'll be making some this weekend as the Long Island contingent is home. I know that they'll love it!

    I think Easter dinner served cold would be a wonderful tradition. Do you remember if it was done for a specific reason?

  2. I knew this class was planned, and intended to attend - what a treat that would have been! In the end, looking at the day that would precede the class, I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it and I was so disappointed. It looks like a good time must have been had by everyone! I've made Paska from your recipe and intend to do so again this year.

  3. How wonderful to see the guest of honor! That Lepp Ham looks amazing! My mouth is watering. The little paskas are so darn cute!

  4. A fun was! And all those cooks in the kitchen seem to work quite well together. And I must say that Easter dinner tasted quite 9pm on a Thursday night...a few weeks early.

  5. Great re-cap on lasts night class!

  6. I love hearing about your classes! And I'm so excited that I can try a gluten-free Paska! Oh, and your dress is wonderful!!!! I think I need one....

  7. Oh this looks like such a fun class! Do you ever record them? It would be such fun to see. I am looking forward to making your paska recipe again this Easter - it's the best! I was just reading in the MGCC book last night about Anneliese's coleslaw dressing and plan to make that as well!

  8. Thank you for organizing and documenting another class for all of us to look back on one day.
    It was fun. That ham was the best ham I've ever had! ... not to mention the paska and other yummies.

    1. How I wish I might be part of this class some day... This is such a surprise to recognize YOU Annaliese, well as some of the others in the photo.
      Just checking on this website to see if there is a better recipe than the one I've been using to make my Easter Paska, so Lo & Behold,.. here you are!
      I shall definately try one or a few of these recipes that I find online. Thanks Gals.
      God's Blessings on you this Easter Season.
      Mikki (Viau/ Engelman)

    2. Mikki,
      I will respond here, since I do not know where else ... I am so happy to hear from you! (Lovella forwarded your comment to me) I was trying to locate you in January for a 40th Anniversary celebration for my H at his work, but could not find your number. Wishing you a blessed Easter too!

  9. A great 'recap' , Lovella. It really was a fun evening, and having Andrea there in person was special.


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