being carried

On Sunday evening...
after the bathing was finished and
spare jammies were located...
the favorite game of 
boo began.

they were tucked into their carseats and taken home.

Their Mommy and Daddy will have carried them from the warm car to their warm bed.

I can remember after a long drive home in the evening...
my Daddy carrying me into the house and how I pretended to be fast asleep.

It is  lovely to be carried.
I suspect that is why God created community.

all for now...


  1. Those photos are priceless! Boo is such a fun game.

  2. Reminds me of a comment year ago...Oma, can your big strong arms carry me to my bed? Those rituals are all so fun and they remember those times forever.
    Wait till you play those peek a boo games in the dark outside...That's what ours love to do while John hides and I walk with the boys looking anxiously for their Opa...

  3. Lovella - that is so adorable. Love "boo" games and love hearing the peels of laughter that go along with that game!

  4. I remember that, too. Pretending to be sleeping so I could get carried in. Sweet photos Lovella!

  5. Being carried, or that wonderful feeling of falling asleep in the car as Mum and Dad chatted quietly in the front seat.
    I hope that everything is alright in your world and that community, family and friends carry you when you need carrying.

  6. I'm not sure who enjoys the game more--the grandbaby or the grandparents. It's comforting for both.

  7. I just love that last picutre! Even the tad blur gives one the impact of the BOO! Oh... kids can giggle so well... it's so much fun to see them delighted in such simple joys.

  8. What is wrong with my fingers?

  9. Good memories...of being carried to bed while I was 'asleep'! You have a good thought there...that we need community for those times we need to be carried.

    Peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek have to be th best entertainment for the wee grands. (This grammy loves playing hide-and-seek too!)

  10. Always was a favourite game around here! we'll be playing it again in the not too distant future Lord willing. Thinking of you Lovella - and praying that you and your loved ones experience deeply those everlasting arms.

  11. Such sweet photos, Lovella! Just look how big everything looks to your little grand when you took this photo from his perspective.

    I too remember being carried by my Dad. Lovely memories of childhood.

  12. Your recent posts have brought back so many memories - yes, of being carried from car to house as small children but also of carrying our limp children into the house when they were fast asleep. It was the worst when my husband was away and I'd have to carry/drag/lug my 3 kids out of the car, into the house and up the stairs to their beds. Now the torch has been passed and they are doing the same with their kids.

  13. so adorable! you can almost feel the happy tension and the excited pounding of the little heart! just plain precious!

  14. These photos remind me of our grandson's curly head. They are about the same age I'm guessing. I miss him. Lovely post. Being carried by a person or by God is wonderful. Blessings, Pamela


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