The big Green Bowls

I heard there was a fantastic sale  . . .
so I ordered some big green bowls.
The big green bowls have been sitting here awhile waiting to be filled.

Last week. .
we delivered boxes of cereal to my mom by love so she could make her annual batch of party mix.

She. .
delivered the large bags of party mix back to me . ..
I put the bags in my big green bowls . .

And now ..
they big green bowls are waiting to be given.

What kind of green bowls?

all for now . . .


  1. I love those bowls and they are perfect for the "party mix". My mix is in my huge "thats a bowl" - Tupperware too of course :)

  2. They really are big! Enjoy the mix...

  3. Hi there. I have an ancient green bowl that i inherited from my mom. it's used for mixing granola, rising bread dough, and monster recipes of my mom's famous potato salad in summer. but truth be told, i am trying to reduce my use of plastic in my house so i've stopped buying tupperware and am going back to glass. having said that, i can't IMAGINE what a glass version of the big green bowl would weigh! i'll probably hang on to that one forever.

  4. sorry, i just realized that my previous comment makes it sound like my mom's dead - she's very much alive, she simply gave me one of her huge green bowls!

  5. Angelika, I still have my old bowl too and won't give it up for anything. ..but I also love the idea of giving a big bowl to those that are making bread and not purchasing it in "plastic bags" at the store. it is a win win.
    These bowls last forever so they are a great investment.

    Glad your mom is very much alive :)

  6. I have those also and am delighted with my catch...and they are stacked outside in my pantry where hopefully no one else will go.
    They are so fun...I have the BIG RED favorite color.
    Thatsa a Catch!

  7. I'm all for the big 'green' bowls. I have two in red...that I love.

  8. Awesome. What a fantastic idea. So glad they worked out for you.

  9. You know I would love this idea! Party mix is a weakness of mine. I think those who receive these green bowls will be thrilled.

  10. You know I would love this idea! Party mix is a weakness of mine. I think those who receive these green bowls will be thrilled.

  11. We were on holidays when those bowls were the talk of the town.....I should still see if I can get them. I have had to start making party mix without nuts....still so good! You are so blessed to have a MIL who brings you bags full of those treats.

  12. I have made tupperware my go to wedding gift for friends. The last one I gave to said it was one of her most favourite gifts!

  13. Some of my Tupperware is over 30 years old and I haven't seen the new versions at all - I am behind the times, obviously! I love the idea of the gift of the treat in such a useful container.

  14. Oh lovely idea! Isn't that stuff the best? I should whip some up between dipping marshmallows in chocolate and making caramels. Great green bowls. Tupperware...gotta love it.


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