out with the old. . .a new challenge and the color report

We've had some issues with our friend the red notebook . .
that has been a good friend to me.

A while back.  . .
before the summer book tour. . .
we debated back and forth about getting a new notebook.
Mine was becoming increasingly more unreliable.
We shopped around. .
asked around.  ..
conferred with the boys . .
and decided to take old red along for one last holiday.

She was fine.
I learned not to panic when she would unexpectedly take a rest. ..
give me her best blue screen and then upon waking up. . 
do a disc check as though she was doing calisthenics for good health.

 I learned that she felt much safer with her plug attached. . 
and like an infant would look for her plug if she was left to think about it for a few minutes.
She was a tad heavy to tote around.  . 
though the weight lifting is good for us.

So. .just as I documented her arrival. .
I am documenting her departure. . 
and as I sit here typing on a very quiet keyboard.  .
with lovely backlit lighting. . 
she is resting comfortably. .
likely having turned herself off as is her custom.

I've heard from a few of you that the learning curve is not so bad.
I'm already seeing that.
I would have never said so a few years ago. .
but I enjoy a new challenge.

Okay. .
since our focus will be different tomorrow .. 
I'm leaving you with the color report for our yard.
I quickly zipped outside to take a few photos. . .
just so I could load them and try my new photo ap.

As you can see . .
the tulip tree is really catching the idea of the yellow hue.

I am all thumbs here  .. 
missing my mouse. .
but I think. .
I've written a post.

all for now. . 


  1. It does take a little while to get used to it, but once you do you'll love it! Were you able to use blogger on Safari? I had to switch to firefox to blog.
    Good luck and have fun!

  2. Good for you taking on the challenge! The dreaded blue screen is usually the death knell. I had it last Jan with my old dell. Hope you have fun with the Mac - my kids love them.

    Your reports are getting more colourful each post!

  3. Yes! You did it! And the blog updated here in the morning...always good. No mouse? None at all? I've actually been seeing that little message on my computer and it's not even two years old. I keep blaming the provider, maybe it's the computer. Scary thought.

    Enjoy that learning curve!

  4. What fun! My old Dell is much the same these days and we're debating how to replace, when to replace, etc. Glad to know you found the transition easy so far!

  5. Love, LOVE my Macbook! I thought I would mind not having a mouse. Turns out that now I can't imagine having to use a mouse! And for these pre-bifocal eyes, I appreciate the ability to enlarge the screen! Enjoy your new toy. :-)

  6. Lovella - you will love your little Macbook! I got mine a few months ago and love it! Now I just need to get some highspeed service to our "out in the boonies" farm!

  7. Oh...welcome to the club. We both love our Macbooks. I know that you will be teaching me so much:):) I can only imagine the fun you are having....smiling....so happy for you!!!!!!

  8. a pc has never entered our home - at least not one that belonged to us. :) we've been mac users since day one (our first mac was that little box with the microscopic screen!) and have never regretted that decision. have fun with your new toy!

  9. Congrats...and oh how I depend on my mouse. There are still so many mountains for us to climb...

  10. After acquiring a desk top computer at homein order to have maximum photo retention space, and using my Android phone to go on line 98% of the time (I am commenting from my phone) and anticipating getting an iPad assigned to me at work along with a Dell laptop as well, I am eager to learn from you which sort of device you like the most...as a Mac notebook is the only device I have not yet experienced.

    We must talk about it soon...and skype too.

  11. After acquiring a desk top computer at homein order to have maximum photo retention space, and using my Android phone to go on line 98% of the time (I am commenting from my phone) and anticipating getting an iPad assigned to me at work along with a Dell laptop as well, I am eager to learn from you which sort of device you like the most...as a Mac notebook is the only device I have not yet experienced.

    We must talk about it soon...and skype too.

  12. We got our Dells on the same day...and mine gives me grief from time to time as well. But I'm not quite ready to learn something new. So I'll wait until you are a pro...and then maybe you will give lessons. Enjoy!

  13. Well, come on up to our Apple store, we have free seminars on switching from PC to a Mac! You are going to find that things are much less complicated, but it is a whole different way of thinking...kinda like when you become a Christian...you do things differently, but all of a sudden it makes much more sense and you are automatically 'saved'! LOL. And just wait until you get into iPhoto and iMovie...crazy awesomeness I tell you!

  14. Dear Lovella - lead the way - I'm watching and will be back for the tutorial!

  15. Welcome to the Mac world! I'm still "old school" and love my 5-year-old desktop iMac computer...never graduated to a laptop/notebook, nor even an iPhone!

    But like Niki, I do prefer Firefox to Safari as my browser...especially with Blogger. Firefox is all I use.


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