I still smile when I see our name on a sign like this.
May we never take for-granted or become faint of memory of the wonderful people who read our blog and buy our book so that we can share all that God is doing.
We prepared and came and did our thing and it was worth every moment of sleepless nights fretting about it all.
I know that I spent about two minutes deciding on the name of our blog ..
and I wondered yesterday how long Winks spent thinking of her name and slogan to her store.
Winks. .makes sense....it's Wendy's nickname given to her by her uncle when she was a wee thing.
Her slogan .."make it beautiful". ..is so true ...she does!
We signed books. ..
and before I forget. .if you would like a chance to win a signed book. .
Pondside is having a celebration on her blog.
She is a gifted writer and I along with her 600 plus blog followers surely know it too.
We signed books. ..
and before I forget. .if you would like a chance to win a signed book. .
Pondside is having a celebration on her blog.
She is a gifted writer and I along with her 600 plus blog followers surely know it too.
I did a fair amount of Christmas shopping during the weekend.
I confess I did a bit of self shopping too. ..
Not only does Winks know how to select beautiful merchandise to sell ..She also has the knack for picking staff members as well. .
and we were treated to smiles and happy chats all weekend.
Thanks for that girls!
It was a huge decision for Winks to put a booth in the show and we were so happy that not only did we enjoy sitting there signing books. ..many others also were drawn to spend a bit of time there doing some gift shopping.
On Saturday before our first demonstration ..
we took our 15 minutes prep time to get organized.
Chef Dez who is not only an amazing chef but also a very nice person was the stage manager and was so kind in his introduction of us.
Marg did the Ham and Egg cups and Ellen assisted.
Anneliese made fluffy waffles . .
while I got really going on our story. :)
Julie did the berry sauce and Judy did the custard and we served up little dishes of loaded waffles.
On Sunday ..
we had such great support by friends and family ..
which was incredibly special.
Anneliese made her Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Soup ..
I talked and used my hands to help do that.
Bev demonstrated how to use a cast iron pot to bake scones in.
Judy demonstrated Cauliflower Cheese Soup. .
and I continued to talk with my hands.
Looks like you had a memorable weekend!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great time you must have had - and I had a wonderful first-hand account last night!
ReplyDeleteThe Winks booth looks so pretty. I'm quite determined to nip in there this week as I roar through that part of the valley. I've done my 'browsing' by enlarging the photos and have an idea or two of what I'd like to buy - early Christmas shopping!
Wish I could have seen you in person. It all sounds like so much fun!!! Loved all the pictures.
ReplyDeleteI see the Food Network channel come knocking on your door :)
ReplyDeleteWhat fun it was! I like your recount...this page from the story of your life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post Lovella! Love the great shots you got of the Winks booth. I'm happy to see photos from Sundays stage event too!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Lovella. Sounds like everything went so well. Congratulations to you all. Wish I could have attended.
ReplyDeleteI especially love that last photo! I think we will always remember this... dare I say our first very public demo. I can only imagine the sleep you lost, imagining all the details and working through them. Things like this do not come together without planning. Thankful today for the outcome.
ReplyDelete....and you started that story by following the dream God placed in your heart. I'm so blessed to be 'one of the 10'.....loved seeing the 7 of you on stage. Winks had such a gorgeous booth! She has been such a blessing and support to us. I loved how you spoke with your hands and your smile:) Such a fun event to be a part of.
ReplyDeleteYour hands help you to eloquently express yourself, of that I am most certain. Gosh you gals have been busy. So glad that those books are going like hotcakes!
ReplyDeleteIt truly was a wonderful time...all of us in the kitchen, and most of all it was fun working with Wendy in the booth...a local gal, with a passion and vision for feeding the hunger.
ReplyDeleteIt was a wonderful weekend.
I love your title...that's how I was feeling...
Lovely post and I was so pleased to see the photos of all of you cooking.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you guys that it went so wonderfully! Thanks for sharing so beautifully too! What a story that your life is writing...
ReplyDeleteWonderul photos and words. Lovella! Yu all have sio much fun while doing the cookbook promotions!