the three of them

The oldest. ..

the middle child .. .

....and the baby.

All of them adjusting to their position in the family just fine.

Have a wonderful labour day!

all for now. .
with love,


  1. Thanks for the updates.....they are beautiful children. When I saw KM I saw her daddy in her right aways.....the boys look more like me. of course if I had on those big specks I could see so much fun! The baby is adorable! Loved seeing all three.

  2. So darn sweet! Look at that new little smug as a bug babe...

  3. Oops that would be snug as a bug...

  4. Perfectly beautiful - you must never tire of kissing those cheeks!

  5. Perfectly beautiful - you must never tire of kissing those cheeks!

  6. oh, those first smiles are just the BEST!! such beautiful grands you have, lovella.

    p.s. my mom and ava and i whizzed past your bungalow on thursday afternoon on our way home from the airport. i waved out my window at it :)

  7. A Labor of love indeed! Hope your day is restful...
    I till remember that first email...sharing the news of a first grandchild. You were bubbling from within and here they are...You are enjoying the fruits of their Labor.

  8. another post to make one smile....but also marvel at the gift that children are.

  9. `sigh`
    so sweet, all three of them!
    how can you not love these adorable little ones.

  10. I had to smile at Marg's "fruits of their labor" comment. No pun intended, I wonder?
    Your Little O is already smiling!
    I like your new header!Is that really the clear blue sky I see? Those sunflowers you have in your garden are beautiful!

  11. So ever do you manage to stop taking pictures of them all day long?

  12. Such beautoful grandchildren! I love the baby's sweet smile!

  13. oh my goodness!!! baby O is just beautiful!!! look at that face!!!!


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