Ground Zero

We walked all around the Ground Zero site.

Somehow I thought there was a spot you could stand and see it close up but if you ever could. .
you can't now.
It looked different to me in reality as opposed to the views shown on television.

Security is very tight ..
If you put your foot on a ledge to support yourself inside a building to take a better photo.
A security guard. .
(who clearly was quite tired of having to repeat the same thing ..
day in and day out. .)
will tell you to remove your foot ..
from the ledge.

We found a walkway above connecting several buildings to see what is happening there.

I wonder if I will ever return to stand at the memorial and properly pay respects to those that lost their lives that terrible day.

The construction is quite amazing . .
and we were not the only ones curious and still feeling deeply about the events that happened ..
on that day.

As we walked around the large area under construction. .
we kept looking up at the buildings and imagining what it would have been like for all those who witnessed it.  .
not on TV. .
but through the thousands of skyscraper windows facing the site.

all for now ..


  1. It's always sobering to remember that day...

  2. Thank you for sharing, I can only imagine how you must have felt actually being there...all the lives lost and all the heart shattered there. I pray they allow the cross to be included in the memorial from the beams they found.

  3. That's a day none of us will forget.

  4. I was 8 months pregnant that day when time stood still. As I watched the towers fall on TV, I covered my mouth in amazement and said "Oh my gosh!" My nearly 2 year old son watched this all unfold, and so weeks after that, he would build tall towers with his blocks and knock them down while saying "oh my gosh!" So many things about that day we will never forget.

  5. September 11 will be felt by many of us...for a long time...through birthdays and anniversaries.
    You captured it well...They have really continued to build around those towers.
    Yes, when you stand there, a deep emotional pang hits the heart.

  6. I was on a high school choir trip with my daughter 6 years ago. At that time there was no construction and we did stand very close. The kids sat on the ground out of the way and sang a song. We had been told the kids could not have permission to sing but no one stopped them. I can't remember the song now but it stopped all movement around us. We can all still remember what we doing that day. It will be interesting to see the final look of the area.

  7. Did you ever expect to stand at 'ground zero' ten years after the event? Sobering...for sure!

  8. The horror of that day! A sobering moment for you I'm sure as you stood where 10 years ago we kept glued to the news for updates. The years of hard work continue as they work hard to clean up and rebuild their city. I enjoyed your pictures.

  9. It was good to see the progress you've shown in your photos. So many of us have wondered how long it would take. Ten years is a long time. I felt the same pang of heartbreak that I did then reading your words. Life truly never has been the same for any of us.

  10. It was so traumatic to watch it on television...I remember that day so well...that I, like you, cannot imagine what it must have been like to experience it. One would likely have nightmares.

  11. wow....I had no idea the 'rebuild' was so far along....must have been quite the experience for you two to have been there.

  12. My husband worked in one of the building that fell that day, Lovella, and thankfully came home -- but many we knew didn't. Ten years may have passed but the sorrow continues.


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