back at work

Fantastic news!
After a rather unfortunate bout of influenza. . .
two of the four grands are back on their feet and back at work.

How I functioned without a hairstylist (please don't laugh  . ..he's only just begun). .
and my personal wee jester. .
was quite frankly a stretch.

I think I've cried wolf once too often as I announce daily with my vast ability to imagine. . .
my own probability to fall ill.
In the meantime. . .
my beloved has carried on with chores amidst his tribulation with dyspepsia.  .
 and has since recovered while I still wait for the inevitable day.

Now. .I just need my wee sous chef Grandgirlie and her little sidekick Little Miss Muffet to come by to assist in making some chocolate Madeline's for Valentines day. . .
and  "court" will be fully in session.

all for now. .


  1. Oh, Lovella. Don't assume now. LOL! Love your little stylist so intent on doing his job and your grandgirlie is as cute as cute can be. Enjoy...

  2. Love the look on your little hairstylists face :)

  3. I remember when I was about that age pulling long hari pins out of my grandma Janzen's hair and combing and combing. That flu bug is a nasty one this year......just hangs on!

  4. Your picture brought back many memories of when my children were small. They loved playing hairdresser with Mimi's (my mom) hair. They had curlers, bobby pins, combs and brushes. :0)

  5. So cute! I love having my hair played with and have had my hair styled with play tools, such as drills and wrenches, as opposed to brushes and combs. :)

  6. Oh they really are busy making up for lost time! You are a great grammy!

  7. how delightful to have your own personal hairstylist. :) And he seems to take his job very seriously!

  8. I can see this hair salon career is being taken very seriously by all of you. Just behind LFH is a huge photo of him on the wall.

    One must promote oneself boldly in one's salon if one hopes to be successful and make a name for one's self. I think he is off to a great start!

  9. So glad to hear that atleast two of your grands are feeling better. Nothing like spending the day with the grandbabies! I sure hope you don't get sick!

  10. This picture just makes me smile. Oh, the memories you are creating for them. Love the looks on their little faces.

  11. No wonder you always look so put together!....with staff like that!

  12. May that inevitable day be "poof"
    as you continue to help out. Keep cooking up that chicken noodle soup! Yes, keep well, Grammie is not allowed to get sick.

  13. I'm smiling at Pondside's comment. Of course! Sweet staff you have over there!

  14. Absolutely precious!


  15. I love the relationship you have with your grands. Warms me to my tippeeeeee toes.
    I remember my grandma letting me play with her jewelary and scarves, and grandpa let me comb his hair...whatever he had left on his balding head.
    Those kids will forever remember your tenderness with them. Even into adulthood.

  16. A clever little post! smile.. but how can you lose with such precious subjects! I'm so glad they are feeling better - and back to 'work'. smile

    You better not be putting your dire predictions for your own health demise off until Friday, are you? Ohh.. delete that thought!


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