mowing the field

Living on the coast this time of year leaves us always wondering when the last opportunity will be to mow the field.
Last week we had a lovely stretch of weather and he buzzed over the field for perhaps the last time this year.
Once finished. .
he parked the tractor beside the shop for it's last cleanup of the season before it gets parked inside until the snow blows.

Grandgirlie looked at the tractor sitting all nice and clean and thought it was fitting that she take one ride around the field herself.
Sitting very still and firmly planted on Grandpa's lap ..
she rode like a little farm girl in a parade . .
waving at the horses next door and Grammie on the far side of the field.

We are both pretty happy to be the farmer's girl.

All for now.  .


  1. ...and I'll bet the farmer just loves to have his girls to wave at him when he rides by, and to admire the tractor!

  2. It's nice to have a 'mowing break' for a few months! We are still eyeing the lawn...and wondering if it needs one more trim.

  3. So sweet! Glad you have things wrapped up for the winter. :0)

  4. My "farmer" loves it when I admire the lawn he's mowed!
    Maybe that's why grands have such a special place in their grandad's eyes... because they look at them like there is not a thing they can't do!

  5. Your grass is still so green. I am sure she truly did feel like a princess riding with her grandpa through the fields. Oh the memories that are being made at your address.

  6. Did you demand a ride around the field on the farmer's lap after the grandgirlie got her turn?


    Why not?

  7. Sounds like fun! And there is something great about freshly mowed lawn!

  8. It must be such a pleasant ride around for you husband while he mows Lovella. The sunshine, smell of fresh cut grass and a precious grandchild to hold.

  9. Around the lower 48, a well known camp song is "One man and his dog, went out to mow the meadow..." (done with hand motions and an increase of men but not dogs in each verse.)

    I think Terry got an upgrade on the song.


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