kanneloni macaroni on her way

When the grands come to visit. .
they arrive dressed. .
and they generally leave bathed and ready for bed.

Kanneloni Macaroni found her task of caring for her baby quite comfortable.
I often find myself thinking about pajamas when I see their evening comfort.

Her handbag completes her ensemble. .
and I smile as I see her pause to reposition it to the other arm.

In her own little world . .
she is learning the basic skills of being a little lady. ..

All for now. .


  1. Wow - time is flying by. I can tell by looking at that big girl!
    I had to smile when I saw the wheels of the stroller hitting the baseboard. I was just saying to TGD yesterday that our baseboards will take a beating when the boys are here in December with their trucks and push tractors!

  2. Such a little lady! And so cosy in her pretty pjs!

  3. So so cute! Love these photos :0)

  4. Hurry for future girlish girls. She is charming enough to make a Southern belle jealous.

  5. She's starting the shopping in your pj's trend early enough. Love the purse! Funny ho wnot one hs to teach them how to wear it ... does she have her cell phone in there?

  6. Great snapshot of this moment in time! Love the jammies and the purse together.

  7. That is so terribly cute! There's just something about little ones in jammies. So squishy. :)

  8. She's a cutie! Love the way she carries her purse! And your floors are so shiny clean, I can see her reflection on it!

  9. The photos make me think of the ones I have of my daughter when she was that age-pushing a cart with a purse dragging on the floor. She's now 15, so...enjoy every minute with your grandbaby. :D

  10. Enjoyed this Lovella, She has some great teachers, thanks for sharing this brought back some wonderful memories for me.

  11. Yes, I'm with the others shaking their heads that this little one is already so grown up. How adorable she is and is her hair beginning to curl? Be still my heart!


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