the day after date day

The day after our night at Harrison last week we took a drive into Vancouver to see the hustle and bustle of the big city.

It was fun to walk up and down Robson and our biggest concern was finding empty seats at the window of Starbucks. . .any Starbucks.

Our two favorite stops were plum full but we didn't fret since there is one on every block.

It's funny sitting at the window watching people go by and seeing couples scanning the window for an empty window seat. Apparently date days are alive and well.

The ice rink that crosses under Robson Street was just opening up after having its ice smoothed.

We watched for a bit and then poked our noses inside the tent to see what was happening there.

It was amusing to watch grown men and women frost a free cookie and liberally apply sprinkles.

I was tempted but then reasoned that a cookie couldn't be that much more fun to ice here than at home.

It is funny though how when something is free you can barely pass it by.

We walked down to Canada Place to see the Olympic rings on the water but they didn't have them lit up. We did see people all excited about someone who had just gotten into a limo.

It's funny how I felt excited and didn't have a clue about who.

My beloved did not feel it . . .one bit.

I wanted to go inside the new convention center.

It had a note on the door. ..closed until the Olympics.

I climbed up on the ledge and peered inside.

My beloved stood on the sidewalk . . .

watching me.

It's all good here in the bungalow.

I'm whipping up some dinner for our care group tonight.

I'm excited ...

I love a party.

All for now . ..


  1. That sounds like a nice way to spend a date. It strikes me as funny that a location so far north would have to use fake snow around the lighted trees (around the tent). I guess I just always assume that all of Canada would be covered in snow all winter long. ;)

  2. Lovella..what a relaxing and fun date. I like that..not looking for anything but 2 empty window seats at Starbucks!! My fave type of dates..sipping coffee and watching people.
    And I love how Terry watched you peeking in the windows..grin
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Looks like a fun day in the city. Enjoy your meal and friends tonight!!

  4. Oh gosh. I got a pang wondering who got into the limo myself. I have it bad. Okay, do you think you'll ever find out? Everyone must have Olympic fever these days.

    So glad that you had the opportunity to get away. It's lovely to see the holidays done up in a big way and then return to your own cozy home.

  5. It's always fun to esacpe to the big city...for a wee spell! I love to go there before Christmas...but it won't happen this year. couldn't wander about the convention centre? They were giving tours when we were there in fall.

  6. I can't say that I would ever go to Vancouver for a 'date' ... but I know it would be fun to follow you around... smile... although I might just stand with Terry 'watching'.

  7. You have just described one of my most favorite days out! We did those things a few weeks ago with our family except we added in a stop at Chapters and the Hyatt for the gingerbread display. We especially love the city in the evening. Twinkly lights, chestnuts roasting, music...oh so lovely.

    Your blog is such a sweet treat to visit. Inspiring, beautiful and bold in faith. God bless you for what you share.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


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