Joy and Peace

I have a busy week coming up. .

My motto will be Joy and Peace.

Joy in the tasks. .

and . .

Peace that only the Father can give when things begin to feel too busy.

Have you ever noticed that even the things you look the most forward to. .

can take control of you?

That's a little how I have felt these last few days.

I have wondered if my efforts in decorating the bungalow will be good enough.

I read a perfect quote for me yesterday.

Look not to the people around you,

Nor wait for their laurels of praise;

Enough that the Savior has found you

And call you to serve all your days.


I realized again. . it is not what people think about how the bungalow looks. .

that matters most. .

it is that they feel welcomed . .valued. . .and accepted when they enter through the back door.

All for now. . .


  1. Thanks for this message as many of us are in the cleaning/decorating/entertaining mode.
    This is something to keep tucked in our minds.....
    My motto and thought today....
    Just enjoy your company and don't sweat the little things!!!

  2. Your warmth and hospitality will more than make up for any perceived shortcomings in your decor. (Knowing you the way I've come to know you through your blog, there will be no shortcomings!) All will be well and joy and peace and a warm welcome will be felt by all who enter your home. Have a peaceful and blessed week!

  3. May you experience the calm before the storm all week...and then enjoy 'the storm' I know you will! (You love storms, right?)

  4. I'm sure you will make them feel right at home Lovella. Keep the 'joy and peace' in your heart this week and throughout the Christmas season!

  5. Great thoughts Lovella. Good for me to read as I anticipate this big week with Thanksgiving, out of town company, and a quick trip to see our son graduate from Academy. Yikes! I'll have to remember to breathe and choose joy!!

  6. You said that so beautifully and I know your desire is exactly that. I will be praying for you this week that joy and peace will be yours. I'm looking forward to walking through your back door. Blessings Kathy

  7. Your post is beautiful and what you have written will be so! Joy and Peace!

  8. I agree about the things we look forward to taking a hold on us. The bungalow looks just lovely and will be the frosting on the cake compared to the welcoming hospitality. May you and your guests be blessed.

  9. Your quote was fantastic...That alone will get you through Lovella.
    We will keep you in our thoughts as you prepare for this wonderful event.

  10. When one feels warm and welcomed, the decor looks beautiful to them...always! Thanks for sharing that wise saying. It would profit us to apply it. I am sure your bungalow will look so welcoming, just like your personality.


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