on Robson

When we go to Vancouver on a date. . .

it is mostly the same thing . . .every time.

We tried a new parking spot this time. .

and that is about as much as we ventured into the unknown.

Mostly. . .

we like to sit and drink an Americano. . .have a molasses cookie. .

go for lunch sitting on a patio if the weather is nice. .

( you can see where we ate in the bottom right hand corner picture. . up on the roof)

and walk around the block a few blocks.

We check out our favorite book store. .

our favorite clothing stores.

There is the store in the bottom right hand corner picture. .

( you know you can click on the collage to have a better look .. right?)

In that store. . .I look through all the racks. . .fuss about the prices and usually buy nothing. . .

but I go in it every time.

The bottom left hand corner picture is the view from their third story window. . .

where my good man watches whilst he waits.

I checked out the new cosmetic store. . .

and wondered where I would even begin.

It is always fun to look though . ..and that still costs nothing.

Around dinner time. . .we're usually done.

We'll generally stop for dinner on the way home.

It's good to go even if neither of us has the energy to come up with something new and exciting

It is all about the date. . .not the date activities.

I'm off to get my roots checked .. .and it's not a moment too soon.

All for now. .


  1. Sounds like a lovely day out!!! Someday I'm going to make it to the Northwest, I hope!

  2. Absolutely...it's all about being together. Doc and I went out last night...an unsuccessful venture to two electronics stores looking for an elusive part (I'll be online shopping today) and a so-so dinner after...but we were together!

  3. Yes, it's all about the date!

  4. The Great Dane and I have a full house these days, so there's no date time.......but after Sunday I predict a nice long, quiet dinner in town!
    I loved the energy in that mosaic today. I haven't made it into downtown Vancouver for quite some time. This post made me wish to get over to spend some time on Granville Street and at the Granville Island Market.

  5. reMoseying around with your dearest friend is a splendid way to define a date...the setting and activities are just trimming.

    However...I do a have an idea for you: Have you ever taken the tour bus of Vancouver? It sounds funny I know. After we had been born and raised in San Diego, and my parents had also been born and raise there, we all took a trolley bus tour one day, and were amazed at the things that we did not know about our home town. We learned a bunch from my folks too who suddenly shared details of the town from their childhood memories. Once Pauline is feeling perkier, maybe you could make a threesome out of a date to the Big V. Wouldn't it be interesting to learn what she knows about the place from long ago.

  6. Downtown Vancouver is such a beautiful place! We ate a the Spaghetti Factory with our kids there ... was it only last week?

  7. I've heard so many nice things about Vancouver - someday I'll visit and check out your favourite spots.

    I'm so thankful that you had good news for your dear MIL.

  8. Thanks for sharing your 'date-in-the-city routine' with us. We rarely head to the city unless and event or occasion is calling...but it is a beautiful place to just 'pass the time' once in awhile. And I like Jill's suggestion of taking a bus tour of the city sometime. We have an occasion coming up...real soon. Hmmmm.

    I'm just catching up on posts here...and rejoice with you that Pauline's condition is fixable!

  9. What a beautiful area BC must be. Everyone that I hear about from up there makes it sound so fascinating. I just watched Revolutionary Road, a movie about dreaming of living somewhere other than were you are. It is kind of a sad story. Chasing for happiness in a place.

  10. Good evening Lovella. I've had computer issues and don't know if it's fixed for real yet. Couldn't type any comments today at all...ugh! Katie and I are thinking of zipping up to Vancouver late in September. I asked Judy already but do you have any suggestions for restaurants or tea rooms or anything else to do for just a few hours in Vancouver? Thank you!

  11. I smiled at the contentment between the two of you that spilled all over your post!
    I can't say we have ever gone to Vancouver on a 'date'. I go for my appointments and we head out again as soon as possible. I'm afraid I don't have any 'city' buttons that like to be pushed! smile..
    But I agree, parts of Vancouver are beautiful!

  12. I can so relate....its good to go....not the being there...but the going often is more exciting...time..time alone and time together. Grin...Love it!


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