Marriage Mentors. . get some mentoring

Now and then. . .marriage mentors need to have a bit of refueling. . .

so this weekend we left the farm in the care of our kids and off we went.

Tell me the truth .. .when is the last time you found yourself seated in a marriage seminar?

If it's been awhile, perhaps you should whisper the suggestion in your sweet hearts ear and look one up.

Our involvement in our church has led us to a wonderful program for engaged couples. .

It is a pre-marriage alpha course called The Marriage Preparation Course. . (makes sense)

For five weeks Terry and I host a table with two engaged couples.

We watch a video with them . . .the video pauses leaving them alone to work on an exercise designed to develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.

We serve desserts. . and snacks. . .while they work through their manual.

We share tidbits with them that has helped our own marriage.. .

They share their love stories with us. . .and we share ours with them.

They share their engagement stories with us. . .and we share ours with them.

They share their concerns. . and we share how we have worked through our struggles as well.

We've seen that video series enough to know what is coming next. . .so this weekend .. .we needed something new. . for us mentors.

The video series called Laugh your way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor. . .

had us laughing. . .and sharing. . and feeling challenged. . .to make our marriages. . .

more exciting. . .more passionate. . .and stronger.

In between. . .I zipped here and there. . .

camera strung around my neck. .

enjoying the beauty of the weather. . .the friendships we have. . .and the beautiful ocean side setting.

It was without a doubt. . .worth every penny.

I took . . .more pictures. .

which I will share the rest of the week. .

All for now. . with love,


  1. What a wonderful ministry! Glad you were able to get away and be refreshed :0)

  2. That sounds like something that anyone could enjoy! I heard about a weekend on 106.5 - tempting!

  3. How nice to have a week-end of re-fueling and a beautiful location...and in good company. May you find much joy in continuing your ministry of marriage mentoring.

  4. There is nothing better than helping young couples and then being retreated yourselves.
    We're having a young couple for supper tonight. I get all excited...and there new little one.

  5. I knew that you and Terry had a firm calling to married couples, but I didn't know what form it took. Just thinking of you both in that kind of a setting makes me smile. You are a blessing to those couples!

    Glad that you had this wonderful opportunity. I've not heard of Mark Gungor, but will check out your link right now. Thanks!

  6. Oh wrong! I have seen his video and love it! Just didn't know his name. (You might be surprised to know that John can not handle this at all.

  7. What a wonderful ministry you are involved in at church!!! From what I know of you two, you are just perfect for doing that kind of ministry!!! I'm glad you got away for the weekend -- I love the title of the video series. :) Can't wait to see more pictures.

  8. I just watched the clip on the link and had to smile about the nothing box. It reminded me of a time when I was helping Ben with a writing assignment for school and he was waiting on me for every thought and word. The classic memory of what I finally blurted out in exasperation was, "Don't you have a single thought in your head?" I guess homework was filed under the nothing box.
    Lovella, I can tell you guys are the right couple for this kind of mentoring and I'm so glad that you could be re-charged this weekend. It sounds like you had a great time. (It was funny, when I looked at the photo, I almost thought I saw myself right in the center. I don't know her, but she stands like me)

  9. Glad you guys had a great weekend away to relax, refule and just have fun. I remember when both our daughters got married how encouraged Scot & I were for the counsel and encouragement they received during their engagement. I'm sure you both have been able to also bless many engaged couples through this mentorship program. I know you have great joy in serving this way. Kathy

  10. I love that you do this.
    I wonder if pre-marital counseling would have prevented indulgence in matching sweaters....

  11. I saw some Mark Gungor clips on YouTube - bet it was a fun weekend!

  12. That was just about a perfect weekend! what fun! We'll have to do the hot tub another time!

  13. well, I should post about my weekend- we were just around the corner from you... having ourselves a wee break as well. :)

  14. What a great ministry for you and Terry to work in.


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