We are so Americanized that some days even I can't tell us apart.
Do you all down south feel a little Canadianized too? Come on ...say sure.
As I write this I'm watching the clock . . .not wanting to miss a minute of Survivor . ..
On Wednesday night we watched our favorite Canadian show. . .a mystery show set in Toronto in 1895.. .called Murdoch Mysteries. The romantic tension between the two lead characters is perfect. . . a lady pathologist .. and a gentleman investigator. Last evening they were at dance classes .. .all the while discussing a case ..I feel sad for my southern friends that they are missing this Canadian content television show.
Far be it from me to pretend I will only buy Canadian. . .it just won't happen. Every now and then. . . I need to make the trek down to Target. . .I just like the browse.
There are two Canadian items that I purchase every month that remind me of the reasons I love living in the north .. .
I confess, I buy the magazines without looking for the content. When I do read the cover I am intrigued by the hope that is instilled . ..claims full of promise to make me. .
fresh for spring. .
the best brunch maker ever . ..
the quickest dinner maker. .
and always. . the new. . .green emphasis .. making me a better citizen.
From fashion to food to the new and exciting ways to raise a family . . I'm hooked. . cover to cover.
For a bargain price of $2.40 each ..
I'm a patriotic little Canadian every month.
I know. . .I was proud of me too.
Do you have a magazine that you pick up at your grocery check out every month?
And now you know. . . what it is like when Lovella has nothing new to report .. .
See you Monday.
All for now. . with love,
I generally don't buy magazines at the check-out counter; instead, I subscribe to several: Guideposts, Southern Living, and Coastal Living. I guess our interests lean toward our surroundings. ;)
ReplyDeleteI tend to think of Canadians as Americans, too, since we're all part of North America and pretty friendly neighbors.
Even when you have "nothing new to report," it's still entertaining, Lovella! Enjoy your weekend... I'll be painting... and painting... and painting...
How fun! i'll have to check the bookstore sometime just to see what some of the Canadian mags are like. I love magazines and try to get my subscriptions either for free online or almost free. Some of the ones that I enjoy most are: Country Living, Martha Stewart, Good Housekeeping, Gourmet, Everyday FOOD, and Better Homes and Gardens.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite magazines to buy on occasion was Cottage Living, but, sadly, it (along with several others) has become extinct - no longer being published.
ReplyDeleteI do subscribe to Country Living and Southern Living, and I just found a new one that - if you haven't found it - I'm sure you would love! It's called 'Country', and it is just adorable and full of stories of country living now and in the past, recipes, etc. And gorgeous photographs! It had a card inside to subscribe for 2 years (6 issues/year) for $12.49, so I just sent off a check to subscribe for myself and my mom too, since she liked the issue I purchased so well. You can read about it here >>> http://www.country-magazine.com/
Have a gret weekend! Becky G.
One magazine we like to subscribe to is "Our Canada", but I have to admit too that on occasion there's one last thing to pick up at the check-out. when I'm feeling like a treat.
ReplyDeleteI must confess - I have a magazine habit! CL and Chatelaine, Better Homes and Gardens - but I pass them along to a friend in the UK when I finish, so that's my justification!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy son called last night and we missed his call. In his message he said, "I thought you'd be home because Survivor is starting soon" I don't miss Survivor. I think I'd love that Canadian show. I always appreciate watching Canadian coverage of the Olympics over the U.S. Coverage! I'm happy we do get one Canadian channel in our lineup in Washington State! Where else would I be able to see Curling?? Just joking with ya now...
ReplyDeleteHmm..I have a few magazines I enjoy.. Canadian Living and those from Reiman Publishing..am waiting for my first issue of 'Healthy Cooking'.
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping us posted about what's happening down south.
ReplyDeleteI just wished Canada would have one warm spot anywhere so we could warm up at par....
Have a wonderful day.
Oh I hate it when Lovella goes missing! ;D
ReplyDeleteMy beloved just shared an interesting piece of news with me this very morning...Canadians are the number one purchasers of American cars or so the article states. Really? I thought that Canadians were making American cars. Anyway, it's all very interesting.
As for me, if I have to go another six months without a Coffee Crisp or a MacIntosh toffee, I'll probably start yelling. Thank heavens that we have Tim Horton's (I know, it's an American holding now, but still...) and that Mrs. Dunster's donuts are sold here, too. At last!
I wish that we could watch your fun sounding program. I'm sure that it beats anything that we see here, though I do love my one program that I am still watching...LOST.
Have a delightful weekend, my friend!
We live in a spot where we can choose the best of both worlds, don't we? I think I'd like to check out that Canadian mystery show. Enjoy your weekend and let us know how the reading went....
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out your show...we did watch Survivor last night. And yes...we have some great Canadian magazines. There's a Canadian 'Style at Home'...and 'House and Home' is also Canadian.
ReplyDeleteYou know, we are still on the look out for a place that serves Canadian food. Hadn't even thought to look for a place that sells Canadian magazines.
ReplyDeleteI notice that whenever I buy a book or magazine that it is always priced a dollar or so more in Canada. It makes me wonder why: are you just easier to shake down for more money or is that French bilingual requirement.
(and yes, Country is an awesome magazine.)
Even if you have nothing new, you're still the best read on the block! I loved Cottage Living (and was so sad it stopped publishing). When I think of it, I pick up Real Simple. Very practical with some "fun" articles thrown in. My husband is Canadian, now naturalized, born in Toronto. I've never been to Canada. But we're in Oregon now, so it can't be too far, can it? We talk about moving there someday, but don't know how we could possibly afford it. I have heard B.C. (which is closest to us) is extremely expensive. We're just outside Portland, and boy is it rainy here. Been here for a little over three years and am sooo missing my Arizona sunshine!
ReplyDeleteI do seem to need the reminders to buy Canadian when I can and do a little better (I think) when it comes to produce & handcrafts rather than other products. But the magazines noted by yourself and commenters are usually the ones that I gravitate to in the store. Enjoyed the post...thx.