The last snowfall of the winter

Glossary of terms. . . .
Grands .. . our grandbabies

Cousin Camp. . . . two grands over at the same time

Grammie day. . .. one grand over for the day

soft flapping of the lips. . .with no vocal sounds and with shaking of head. . . a horse
soft flapping of the lips. . with vocal sounds. . .a car/truck

Some photos. . .require no explanation .. .
All for now. .. with love,


  1. One word comes to mind ... PRECIOUS!

  2. Oh Lovella...wonderful pictures and a beautiful post....I can't help but think you might be a bit optimistic. LAST snowfall of the winter?....I am not holding my breath this year.

  3. Now that's cool. We all know what these communications mean for our own grandchildren, but have not taken the time to translate them. Do you keep a scrapbook of your grands? I wonder what a two-grand day is? Love the green boots that you grand is wearing! We don't have colors like that in our corner.

  4. AAHHH! To see snow through a child's that's a gift!

  5. Gorgeous photos - but I don't for one minute believe that this is the last of the snow!

  6. What great photos!!! And today we are actually getting a proper snow, with nearly a foot of snow!!! My kids are so excited and I'm just as excited. :) Unfortunately, the 3 boys are sick with the stomach bug, and bAby cakes is on my lap moaning. So, Rachel is stuck outside playing by herself.

    How do you know it will be the last snow?

  7. It looks like it was a 'grand' day all around! The snowman may not be there for your next cousin camp...but don't count it on being the last of the season. In this winter of extremes...we are bound to have more.

  8. Aww Lovella..those pictures are so wonderful!! I miss those days when Grammy's house was the place to be!!
    I chuckled at that statement..'last snowfall'.

  9. Awwww... what a sweet post! Beautiful photos and precious little lives exploring life !
    but... I'm wondering at your title....wishful thinking??
    I happen to know the last winter snowfall will be in March... smirk....

  10. What a sweet photo op with the guys.

    Now that that is over, they should head back to work on Merc, dontcha think? We wouldn't want all this photo modeling get in the way of manly man type doings at Grampie Camp!

  11. Photos tell the stories...I'm beginning to enjoy the softness of your pink background. The touch is so beautiful especially with your photos today....

  12. Fun! Fun! Fun! Keep enjoying! Kathy

  13. Tee...hee! Do you really think it's the last snowfall? I have my doubts...I love your photos, Lovella! And I love the new layout as I'm really fond of pink and hearts.

  14. Oh the wonder of it all. Beautiful photos to document the joy you experience with your little miracles from God!!

  15. Wonderful photos! We are so fortunate in these times of modern technology to be able to capture moments like that so easily, and to treasure them forever!

    Lori T

  16. So expressive. As you say, some photos dont need words, we can read the feelings!

  17. So adorable! I'm sure this little grand slept well for his nap.

    LAST snow? Well, maybe.

  18. You are exactly right,some pictures need no explaining.You have a beautiful family.I enjoyed visiting with you this evening.

  19. well it couldn't be too cold out there...what a wonderful time to be able to spend time with them like that.

  20. So fun..having those "grands"...I can hardly wait. Yup, any day now (which should have been last week), we too will have fun stories to tell.

  21. I just love reading your blog have such an awesome way with words. And I love your definitions...Grammie Day and Cousin Camp! What a blessing that you can have Cousin Camps often...our grands live in different countries so we don't get to do that.....


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