snow day

Yesterday was a perfect day to finish up some Christmas preparations. . .

Little photo albums for little hands to handle. . . pictures of people they love. . . things they love. . .and those who love them. .

All for now, with love . . .


  1. What beautiful pictures!!! We're having rain here, which will no doubt wash away what little snow is lying under the trees.

    Photo albums for little ones is such a great idea. I've just finished our 2007 scrapbook because the children LOVE to look at our family pictures. :)

  2. What a great idea - will you consider imitation a huge compliment?.........I hope so, as I'll be madly printing and laminating between now and the 24th.

  3. The little photo albums are a great idea. We did the same with our children when they were small, and also gave them each a Polaroid camera so they could add to their albums. I saw Ryan's recently during our packing and moving process. I assume Laura has hers.

    The snow looks so pretty...not at all the type of weather we're having here.

  4. What a lovely snow-covered world!

    What a good idea about photo albums for the grands. I'm sure that will help them to develop language and a sense of self.

    My grand looked at all the pictures of his recent train day and whenever he'd get to one with both of us in it, he'd say, "Nonni and Sam" identifying himself in third person. So cute!

  5. Quite the storm up there! Love the two photos together like that. Have a productive day!!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderfully productive snow day! Good love personalized picture books.

  7. Those are the perfect gifts that last for ever and ever...

  8. The albums for those little hands will be cherished for life!

  9. We've been hearing about your snow!

    We have a covering but with beautiful blue skies - we're heading into town for some last minute shopping and a date night - the festive special at Swiss Chalet -a Christmas tradition.

    Hope you have fun with your photos.



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