rules for treats

Eat only the ones that that are round, or long, or square . ..

or oval. . . (nearly forgot those peanuts)

. . .do a close visual inspection and eat only those that have slight blemishes and cracks . . .

or chips. . .

if unable to locate any of those. . .go for the ones with the


Upon perusing the box of chocolates. . .

eat the dark chocolate . is supposed to be good for you . . .

Last but not least. . .sample the ones that face up with smiley faces . . .
and that will encourage you to call up your best friend for a post Christmas debriefing. . .
and . . .
that will cause you to smile.
All for now. . .with love,


  1. This certainly was a delicious post! I'm all for the dark chocolate anything...(grin)

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Mmm!



    I have a similar post in the works! But an even sweeter entry took precedence today :)

  3. Good tips all. We are in the process of "eating it all" so that we can embark upon our least favorite New Year's resolution.

  4. Yummmmmy!!! I had leftover Christmas fudge for breakfast- chocolate for my high blood pressure and we all know how good nuts are for you! My favorite health food! Right? lol

  5. I love my bite(s) of chocolate in the morning with coffee....mmmmm...just a coupla' bites

    Happy New Year

  6. Yes, eat the dark chocolate!

    When it comes to M&Ms, I usually only eat the misspelled ones that have w instead of m. :)

    I've had to vary my diet a bit--there was extra pumpkin pie, so I eat it for breakfast (well, it has eggs in it!).

  7. aww.. Lovella , those are my kind of rules for eating candy!
    What a 'sweet' post !! smile
    I'm off to the kitchen!

    Enjoy your day !!

  8. Better Yet...Avoid all sweets for the New Years Goals, so eat everything in one day and no more temptations.

  9. Forget the dark chocolate...but I'll clean up the rest of your treats for you! I hear there are many rules coming in a few days...I love December.

  10. Oh Lovella, you're so cute! I'm finally back on line and I don't know how you can be a Grammie and a blogger at the same time!

  11. Now those are my kind of "rules" !! Lori T

  12. I had to lean over and open the box of carmels from Harry and David' taste test another to see if it is permissable to give to the kids. (or not) ;-)

    carmel anything...yum.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  13. I love your blog. I love to cook and bake too, so I will be stopping by often to check out all your recipes.......come check out my blog. Liz

  14. Only eat the crumbs of the fudge/brownies/squares.
    Only eat the edges.
    Only eat the round ones.
    Only eat the square ones.
    Only eat the light chocolate because it won't make you heavy.

  15. Great shots Lovella. Not a candy lover but love the pics ...they are so festive.


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