could it be a morning like this?

A few mornings ago, I looked out the window and glimpsed the most magnificent sunrise. I nearly missed it, they happen so quick. I couldn't help but wonder if it had been even more spectacular moments before. I'll never know and I accept that this view of the sunrise was chosen for me by a God who delights in gifting me with occasional wow moments.
I was a bit tempted to doctor the photo a wee bit to enhance the glow, but I decided to give you what I captured. I stood there in awe of God. As we approach the Advent season my heart is conflicted with the joy of giving gifts with the scurrying about that is generally involved in finding the perfect gift. . .and the quietening of my heart in preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
I watched the sun rise, and wondered what the day will look like when the baby Jesus that was born and is widely celebrated in one way or another. . .comes back to this earth.
If we believe that God exists, and we believe that the Bible is true, we also will believe that Jesus is who he said he is, a Saviour to all people.
My heart today is for the person who has never stopped to consider that Jesus Christ will return to the earth as the Bible says. . . .
No one knows when Jesus will return to earth. What we know for sure. . ..according to His word that when he does come we will be surprised.
Jesus himself said. . . "take note: I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me . . .." Revelations 16 : 15
There is no sitting on the fence. It is not enough to believe there is a God, many of course believe there is a God. Either you believe that Jesus was telling the truth about who He said He is. . . .or you don't. If you believe Him you will also believe as I do that He is the only way to be with God in Heaven after we die.
Ask yourself this. . .
Am I excited that Jesus will return? . . .as the Bible says He will.
My heart breaks for those who cannot say yes.
I know that there are many who will say a resounding hearty Amen to this post. . .and together we rejoice.
There might be just one person today who reads this and worries that I may be right about what I believe is true. . .and wonders . . .why can't I have peace like that . . . .why can't I just believe . . .
Pour your heart out to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you .. . .as I have done. Tell Him that you want Him to be Lord of your life. . .that you can't do it on your own. This could be the best Christmas ever for you . .. .because you will have accepted the gift that God sent you!
I am not a perfect person by any stretch of the imagination but I am forgiven. . .and I have hope for my future. I believe in Heaven, and I believe that I will be there . ..
God sent His Son to be our Saviour . . .
Oh. . ..I can't wait for Christmas . .
and every Sunrise that will remind me that He will come again.
Have a wonderful day my friends. . .


  1. That is indeed the perfect Christmas gift: the salvation brought to us by the lowly birth of Jesus, and His life and His sacrifice. Wouldn't it be a special gift to each of us to be able to lead someone to that most awesome Gift?

    Thank you, Lovella, for sharing your heart and your glimpse of God's majesty.

  2. Hi Lovella, what a beautiful, though provoking post. With you, I look at the awe inspiring sky above me and often think--is it today my Savior will return? For those who do not believe, there is hope. Thank you for providing the invitation to them today. ~Kathy

  3. What a beautiful sunrise...what glorious rays...such a beautiful and thoughtful post. We are certainly closer than ever before and we do see those gathering signs. Thank you for expressing your thoughts so well.

  4. It seems that many of us who love Jesus are ever more anxious for His return.

  5. Very well said! These thoughts are much on my mind these days.

  6. Thank you Lovella for sharing this post..I await for His return! At the same time my heart is heavy for loved ones who don't know Him.
    I marvelled at a beautiful sunrise this morning but wasn't quick enough with the camera!

  7. Beautiful post Lovella. That sunrise is unlike any I have ever seen in person or from photos. Just spectacular! I wonder what it was like to be one of those shepherds or one of the wise men way back then :0)

  8. Spoken with love. Thank you for the reminder about quieting our hearts and truly celebrating what is important.

  9. I join the others and say a resounding hearty Amen to this post, Lovella! I am excited for His return ... may it be soon!

  10. Those photos are spectacular! And yes.. one day Jesus will return..your sky proclaims a touch of the glory in which He will appear! May every heart far from God reading your post today be moved to make things right.

  11. Not being a morning person I miss seeing the sunrise. But I do see many glorious sunsets over the ocean near where I live. Each time I think of the majesty of God and think this beauty is probably just a forunner of the beauty we are promised in heaven.
    Yes, "come qickly Lord Jesus !"
    Jill's Mom

  12. all i can say is AMEN!
    my heart aches for the ones i love that don't love HIM.
    i pray and believe that God is working on their hearts.

  13. Amen, Lovella. Our hearts are also heavy with the thoughts of many loved ones who do not know Him. We are praying for the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened, and that the Holy Spirit will bring conviction and draw them to a true repentance. Did you know that Charles Finney spent his entire ministry preaching to professing Christians...and yet he was considered the greatest evangelist. Sadly, I believe many in our churches today have a form of godliness, but on that judgment day He will say "Depart from Me, I never knew you." We must pray.

  14. Thanks for the comment on my blog Lovella, It was me in Fabricland. My baby was in daycare for the day, so I try to do things that I dont normally find easy to do when she is in tow.
    All the best.


  15. Just beautiful. That's an amazing sunrise...I can almost hear that trump sounding! Your post is wonderful and very well said, from your heart. Thank you.

  16. oh, Lovella, we are thinking the same! :) Before continuing to read your blog I was captured by the sunrise. I was thinking that you could just visualize an angel with a trumpet, and all of heaven decending with Jesus. What a day that will be! ...

  17. A resounding amen from me!

    What an incredible sunrise.

  18. Beautifully spoken truth. Kathy

  19. Lovella, I just saw this post and I loved it. I often have the same thought when I see such beauty in the sky! Even so come Lord Jesus!


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