On Sundays the "kids" often come for lunch/brunch. I whip up a batch of waffles that are more a dessert than an entree. No worries, they follow the farm fresh eggs and the fixin's that go along with those.
It never once occurred to me, that I should put the whipped cream into a proper serving bowl. . . .after all, we're family. We used to use a whip cream dispenser. . . .but that got the boys in trouble far too often. How can a whip cream dispenser cause such an uproar is beyond me. . . .so we are back to a bowl of whipped cream with a spoon, and peace at the table is once again reining.
If you want the waffle recipe that likes to sit a spell. . . .run over to the MGCC.
Have a wonderful day my friends. . . . .
"How can a whip cream dispenser cause such an uproar is beyond me. . ."
ReplyDeleteYou have two boys, yes? Case closed. :D
We saw the waffle recipe this morning and it's brought on some discussion. I don't have a waffle maker and John would like some waffles. I assured him that I had better NOT get one for Christmas. ;>
Oh man can I relate to the drama a whipcream dispenser can produce!! We love having the kids over for breakfast! have a wonderful day Lovella...
ReplyDeleteOh, Lovella ... your waffles look delicious! They remind me of the waffles Julie served when we visited BC this summer. I never knew waffles could be so fun ... or yummy!
ReplyDeleteYes...I want the waffle recipe. My waffles are just so-so! I have two waffle makers, so I'm good to go.
ReplyDeleteI vote the whip cream dispenser gets put back on the table as soon as the lil' farm hand and the lil miss are old enough to use it and create a whole new uproar to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I never had a whip cream dispenser - I have FOUR boys - spoons and a few flicks have already wreaked havoc - along with a lot of laughter :)
ReplyDeleteWe have brunch almost every Sunday too. I don't have a waffle maker but it would probably be appreciated. The problem is we have a crowd - all who can make it from our family, plus Rinda's family, and usually others we invite from church. Would waffles work for a crowd? Or would I be at the waffle maker all afternoon?
I could imagine the havoc that could be created with those dispensers..we usually just have the white sauce and berries with the waffles. The g'kids would enjoy the dipensers I'm sure..hmm, can I trust them??
ReplyDeleteislandsparrow. My good man actually runs the waffle maker. That is his job. I make the batter and then he hops up and down. . we have the waffle maker close. . and we just take our time. No one is in a rush. . we never make them ahead and keep them in the oven. . .they just aren't the same.
ReplyDeleteI once had a dispenser and blew up the whole kitchen, so I prefer to use a measuring bowl like yours...
ReplyDeleteWaffles is a stand by at our home.
And of course all the trimmings and John is the one who makes them while I get the trimmings together.
Then I freeze the rest and my little boys love them.
Unha, I can see what the little ones will be doing when they get older, whipping cream at grammie's! Oh, but then there might be more than just two kids at the table! You will have so much fun!
ReplyDeleteDoc is the waffle-maker in our family. In fact, I recently gave him a new waffle-maker (he wore out the old one). I'll pass this recipe on to him. We usually make so many that I freeze the leftovers. They reheat nicely in the toaster - and taste better than the frozen ones in the grocery.
ReplyDeleteI loved the previous photo of your little one playing in the water...reminded me of my son at that age doing the very same thing. Dear me, I'm afraid I'm going to have a little difficulty with being a nay-saying gramma.
Rule #28 in the Raising Boys Handbook! Don't you remember getting the book at the hospital? 'NO whip cream dispenser unless used outside.'
ReplyDeleteMemories of sunday brunch after church.
ReplyDeleteHelp - do you have a recipie for the white sauce which is really a pudding that we used to put on the waffles.
My mom used to make it and I can not find the recipie anywhere in her old cookbooks.
Oh, pass me the whipped cream please! I don't care what kind of container you serve it in! I'll take a large serving anytime.