Oh... how we delight in our children's smallest accomplishment's as though it is a huge feat ! What a sweetie he is !! Your little captured 'scene' melted my heart.. and I think .. that is how God must be...our arms lifted up to Him... He will never turn us away.
I can't believe it! Yesterday my two little ones were over for the whole day and we (I) made pie by the yard too....to post on my (our) MGCC blog. I haven't run over to see your recipe but I bet it is almost the same. I thought I better do that one before someone else does. we all enjoyed it for dessert last night. I had little gal helping and little guy on the floor playing in the tupperware drawer. Why do we buy expensive toys? Someone remind me again! Your little farm hand is at the inquisitive stage too. How fun.Kathy
Kathy. . this is what happens when we hang out a lot .. how fun. . post your recipe too if it isn't exactly the same and if it is. . well post your picture .. at least that will give a differnt angle shot .. how fun.
Oh how sweet it is!
ReplyDeleteOh, how precious! It would be impossible to resist scooping up that young'un!
ReplyDeleteOh... how we delight in our children's smallest accomplishment's as though it is a huge feat !
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetie he is !! Your little captured 'scene' melted my heart.. and I think .. that is how God must be...our arms lifted up to Him... He will never turn us away.
Aww..that is so cute!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it! Yesterday my two little ones were over for the whole day and we (I) made pie by the yard too....to post on my (our) MGCC blog. I haven't run over to see your recipe but I bet it is almost the same. I thought I better do that one before someone else does. we all enjoyed it for dessert last night. I had little gal helping and little guy on the floor playing in the tupperware drawer. Why do we buy expensive toys? Someone remind me again! Your little farm hand is at the inquisitive stage too. How fun.Kathy
ReplyDeleteKathy. . this is what happens when we hang out a lot .. how fun. . post your recipe too if it isn't exactly the same and if it is. . well post your picture .. at least that will give a differnt angle shot .. how fun.
ReplyDeleteSo cute!! Your grandkids are growing and you're enjoying each stage!
ReplyDeleteUsing apples as teething toy: How earth friendly!
ReplyDelete(Naturally that is exactly what you were aiming for, right?)
Won't be long before no more gummy smiles, eh?
Simply adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI hope he gets his teeth soon as that pie looks scrumptious.
tooo cute
ReplyDeleteWe have a pet phrase that we use for babies - "I'm going to eat you up!" accompanied by lots of kisses and strawberries.
ReplyDeleteBoth he and the apple dessert look irresistible!
Ah yes, my friend..Isn't it wonderful?
ReplyDeleteI feel so blessed that we can enjoy these wonderful young ones once again.
That's a sweet picture story! What a wonderful way to document the grand's growing up.
ReplyDeleteHe will be enjoying your 'pie by the yard' in no time! It looks most inviting.
ReplyDeleteSweet pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't thought of pie-by-the-yard since I was a little girl. Nice memories. Thank you!
How cute it that? You have captured the absolute joy of being a grand parent!!