saturday peek 06/15-24 . ..2008

The garden is in pink.
The house is full of peonies and roses . ..
I've a lemon meringue pie in the works. .
check later on the Mennonite Girls can cook blog.
Have a wonderful weekend my friends,
see you Monday.


  1. Absolutely beautiful!!! I've just bought a pink teapot -- it would just go along so well. Want to send me some of your flowers? :)

    Am enjoying the Mennonite Food blog. I have many memories of times with mennonite friends in childhood and their WONDERFUL food. If I ever have spare time, I'll join in too.

  2. Oh my all that beautiful pink fragrance and beauty and lemon meringue pie!! Now that makes for one good saturday!

  3. Smiling !! I guess we both had flowers on our mind !
    I love your peonies !!!
    and Vic will be over later for Lemon Meringue pie... its his favorite !

  4. Hmmm...I wonder if it would be possible to make a pink lemonade meringue pie, just to match you pink mood!

  5. So nice....I check that blog all the time to get my next cooking lesson. Wish I could be smelling that pie in the oven right now....Whewie it is smelling a lot different here!

  6. I love peonies! I want some for my gardens! Great pictures!

  7. Who knew there were so many shades of pink. Your flowers are beautiful. Can't wait to see your cooking blog!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted


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