you can't take it with you

. .. .well if you hadn't already figured that out . .. there you go.
I was hanging up my wash this gorgeously sunny day and I was pondering the play we attended last night.
Though the play was written in the 30's . . . somehow we had never seen it.
Somehow, it is still relevant today.
We enjoyed the play so much .. laughed ourselves silly.
The cast did a fantastic job for opening night.
Don't you just love it when you hear, read or see something that only deepens your value system?
Though the play was a comedy and the characters were all hilarious,
I could easily see an excellent life lesson.
I'm sure that everyone who sees the play will come out with a different lightbulb moment. .
My beloved and I again said. .
we are so thankful that we committed in our lives to take Sundays or one day a week to rest from the things that can wait until tomorrow.
As farmers we absolutely need to tend the hens. . .
but we don't need to clean out the barns. . .
We live in a world where we take pride in our busyness, but feel tremendous guilt when we say that we relaxed.
We should not be living in a state of perpetual hurry.
If you are spinning your wheels ..
exhausted and weary. .
attend church this weekend. .
and then
kick back and rest.
(okay and maybe sit on a park bench and eat ice cream). . .
there now how can you resist?
Have a wonderful weekend. . .


  1. Your heading looked vaguely familiar...and then I rememebered why. We saw that play performed locally last year...and quite enjoyed it.

    Have a wonderful, relaxing long weekend!

  2. That's great encouragement Lovella! I love the photo, too!!

  3. My husband was just commenting today that he felt guilty relaxing. Thanks for the post reminding us to "keep the Sabbath". Its hard to remember that sometimes.



  4. I haven't seen it as a play, but we have the 1930s movie with Jean Arthur and Jimmy Stewart. I love the message and think it is so true.

    Thanks for the reminder to take time off. I'm really bad at it even though I know i need a sabbath.,

  5. Yes Yes Yes - God has truly been working with me on this issue.

    We in my generation need to remember the reason God asked us to take a Sabbath. We constantly get fed the line "life is too short" so we need to cram all the living we can into it.

    Lord knows our marriages could use a bit of down time, time to rest in the spirit, time to re-equip ourselves to face the world that we are in battle with.

    I pray the sun stays out for our Sabbath today...we are resting in the Lord and with each other.

  6. Ah Lovella...We love the theater as well and this play sound like so much fun...

    I think it must be the times we live in that we are so busy that we feel guilty when we take down time...and doggone it..that has to change :) We went to church this morning and this evening we are going to hear the Florida can't relax much more than sitting, listening to wonderful music...Enjoy your Sunday my friend...Dee Dee


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