take me to the lake

In the last few years digital photography and the computer have become some of my favorite things. ..
Day one. . . .
I enjoy the day to the fullest. . .
Day two. . .
I relive it a hundred times if I like.
These are two out of four of the boys I love the most. . .
I will NEVER tire of capturing them in a thousand different ways.
Photography is such a pleasure to my heart.
Suddenly I want to fill our home with pictures that I have taken. . .
this is new to me. . .
but I quite like it.

There is only one little thing that could have made my day more perfect. . .
but she'll come next time. . .
I'm going to show her the pictures and she'll smile her toothless smile .. .
and then I'll ask her if she wants to come to the lake too.
Of course she will.
One for each of us. . . .
to love and play with and protect.
This mother goose had no problem confronting us with a hiss ..
she didn't feel the least bit
self conscious about it.
A little further down the path, we found a Stellar Jay with a broken wing sitting on a log. . .
I saw little Stellar Jays sitting above in the tree.
I couldn't resist seeing the mother Stellar Jay do "her thing" .. .
She flapped her wings and flew to safety, her wing. . .just fine.
Once again I saw how wonderfully God created the world and all its inhabitants.

Today the sun is shining .. again.
Don't bother calling the house .. .
I won't be in it .. .
Have a wonderful weekend my friends.


  1. What a beautiful day and beautiful lake. Blogging really has opened up a joy of photography...

  2. Your blue skies are simply gorgeous! I know the sunny weather is especially appreciated there in the north.

    Those brownies sure looked good...I knew they would. Oh, and I've been known to crop a photo or two...the camera is ruthless!

  3. I love all your pictures! your pictures always make me want to sink into my chair and smile :)

    Thanks for the 'bee' tip! I will be on the lookout for local honey this afternoon! We will try anything to get Blake off the puffers.

  4. Looks like you had a beautiful day. What a great idea. It just seems that grandparents have time for that kind of day but us parents don't. And what kind of 'bee' tip did you give Kori. We have had Kenny on puffers for years and would love for him to be off of them.

  5. Beautiful photos...beautiful spot...and it looks like you had a great day!

    I'm with you on the photo-taking...I love playing with pcitures!

    Enjoy the glorious sunshine...and happy long weekend!

  6. Thats it! I am camera hunting this weekend. Thanks for sharing a beautiful outing and attaching the most wonderful dialouge to go with it. Blessings this warm sunny long weekend.

  7. My goodness Lovella...your photos are just beautiful...every single one of them...we don't have snow capped mountains around here...it looks heavenly..the geese are great :)...babies so sweet...Have a great time there with your sweet family...Dee Dee

  8. That last photo is so tender...

    Thank you for sharing your loves with us and your beautiful day at the lake.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  9. Oh that picture of that pudgy little hand gripping his shirt makes my heart squish!
    What a gorgeous day and gorgeous photos! I love reliving all mine as well. :)


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