the rain drop(s)

Droplets of rain. . .

amazingly clear and shiny. . .

clinging . . .

holding on tight. . .

bouncing off leaves. . .

Rain . . . I'll see you soon .. .
the sun is coming out. . .
I've been invited to the beach .. . . woo hoo...
"start the truck .. . I'm coming"
Have a wonderful day my friends.


  1. you were up bright and early this morning!
    those pictures are absolutely stunning!
    the beach, what fun. date day with your beloved no doubt!..;-). don't forget the sunscreen! have fun

  2. Ah...the beauty of the SINGLE drop of rain! Forget the multitude....

    Have a great day...the weekend looks even more promising

  3. Your photography is amazing! What a world exists in a raindrop...

    Enjoy your day at the beach!

  4. Sounds like fun to me!

    Your photos are stunning! I love the raindrops.

  5. Lovella...I know you'll enjoy your day at the beach..I have a feeling you have fun no matter where you are my little friend...:)

    I love your photos of the beautifully done..

  6. Beautiful pictures! That's how to make the most out of all those raindrops we've been having.

    May the sun shine down on your day at the beach!

  7. Beautiful photos Lovella. have a fun day at the beach...

  8. Just gorgeous pictures!!!

    I was thinking of you yesterday. I bought a few stalks of rhubarb at the store and made a strawberry-rhubarb coffee cake for Bible Study. i had one bite and it was so good! I just really had a hankering to bake something with rhubarb.

  9. Your pictures are amazing, have fun today, it was nice running into you at the mall, love, laura.

  10. Lovella, those pictures are amazing! How gorgeous!


  11. absolutely love the last picture!! glad to hear the sun is finally making an appearance! enjoy it!


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