tip toe .. . through the tulips

Living in an area that has four distinctive seasons has a beauty not imagined elsewhere.

We headed south yesterday to LaConner to their annual Tulip Festival.

The day was a teensy bit chilly at 7 degrees Celsius,

and the clouds hung quite low .. .

but then the tulips stood

out as if the world had

no other color.

We paid our five dollars each to gain entrance to tulip town.

I noticed that the buses held the retired folks,

the vans held the mothers anxious to prop

their little girls amongst the blooms,

and then there were the cars

with the lone photographers,

and a few couples,

like us.

A few years ago, we might have done this outing on a double date . .

the men could then amuse themselves with guy talk,

as the girls walked ahead a bit.

The outing would have primarily been .. .

two guys. . .with their two girls.

We've done that lots, and had such fun,

we even talked about the last time we had been to LaConner,

yes, it was with another couple.

These days, we can take a day in the middle of the week since that is the day we have farm help.

Good idea .. . that farm help.

I took oodles of shots.

I've really not taken the time to show you the very best.

I want to make some prints and frame them for our home.

There are likely better prints out there . .

these prints will hold memories.

Around noonish we stopped for lunch.

We enjoyed some fresh Northwestern Clam Chowder with some fresh brown bread.

We'll be going back there.

They had delicious looking home made pies .. .

but we didn't know there would be homemade pies and had earlier shared a two pound apple fritter from Starbucks.

(I'm not sure if it weighed two pounds but it may have according to the scale this morning)

We strolled through the town enjoying the shops.
In one antique store I found a Life Magazine dated on the day of my birth .. .
didn't buy it . .. .
already regret it.
We picked out the houses we would be happy to move into.
We picked out landscaping that we could easily enjoy.

This morning we had an early outing.
If I asked you to guess which hat my beloved wore today .. .
you would never ever guess .. .
not the farmer, not the mudder, not the Gardener. . .
this one will be knew to the blog .. .
See you tomorrow my friends.


  1. Love all the pics of the flowers but my fave is the daffodils with the barn in the background. Thanks so much for sharing these pics, Lovella.
    Hmmm...about that hat that hubby wore..a baker's hat??

  2. Oops you said an outing so it probably isn't a baker's hat. I give up! lol

  3. Oh the tulips are just glorious. They are really late this year just like Spring! Thank you for showing so many wonderful photos. Oh sure and now you have my curiosity up...

  4. I remember going there when we were younger too. I quite enjoyed it too! Very pretty pictures of the tulips, those would be perfect on someone's walls!

  5. Oh.. I haven't been to LaConner since my oldest granddaughter was little.. and yes we propped her up among the tulips !!
    It is sooo beautiful.. the tulip fields and the gardens.

    I can't guess the hat Terry wore...I think he's done just about everything, hasn't he?

  6. Oh my goodness! How gorgeous!!! I'm feeling a bit envious! The pictures are just so beautiful, and it must have been wonderful to soak that all up in person! The clam chowder sounds good too. Your part of the country is sounding nicer every day. Maybe someday I'll make it out there.

  7. Gorgeous tulips!! We have a farm near here too but the tulips are not in bloom yet.

    But our temp was 16 degrees today. yay!!

    He's a multi-talented man so I won't be surprised by any hat he dons!

  8. Oh wow. Oh wow....
    I'll bet you couldn't stop smiling. Did you find yourself a bit giddy afer being in all that color? Thank you for including all of us in your "just us two" date.
    (And I'm really glad it all turned out OK at the border after all.)

  9. I love, love LaConnor. So fun. Thanks for the pics and the memories. I am off on a jetplane tomorrow headed your way. We will be in touch for sure. Can't wait...

  10. Oh my heavens! It looks as if you went to heaven. I have seen fields of tulips on Web Shots, etc., but they don't equal these. Simply fantastic, Lovella! It made me grin to read about your beautiful day. (Is it possible to call and have that magazine shipped to you?)

  11. beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  12. What a beautiful day, in spite of the weather. It looks like a stroll down memory lane. Most of it is being together and chatting about all sorts of things.
    Would you believe that I have never been there?
    What kind of hat would he possibly wear?? besides a baseball hat?

  13. Oh, Lovella, what gorgeous photos...I think I know where we are going next week on date day....thanks for the idea!

  14. What gorgeous photos of some beautiful tulips! I can only imagine what it was like being there! Thanks so much for sharing your pics with us!


  15. LaConner is one of my favorite spots...and you got great pic's. And lunch at Seeds...I love that place! Sounds like a wonderful day to me.

  16. The photos are so beautiful it makes me want to see all those tulips in person! How lucky you are. I have actually been to LaConner once, but not during tulip season. We were there to look in all the interesting little shops and antiques, with my in-laws. That was fun too, but I think seeing the tulips would be even better. I'm glad I got to see them through your eyes and camera.


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