did I say it 'twas sweet?

One of the last nights of our sabbatical I woke up at four in the morning and went and sat on the sofa waiting for the moon to move slowly over the water just below the branch. I didn't purpose to wake up but I'm a very light sleeper and knowing the moon was full and knowing it would be beautiful if the sky was clear was enough to wake me.
I opened the patio door (as quietly as I could) and stepped outside as far as I dared . . .. (the photo explaining that is coming up)
and clicked away.
The waves crashing against the rocks and the frogs in their chorus, the breeze against my face and I was content.
This tree became our little joke .. .
every evening as the sun was setting we positioned our self with the tree slightly to the left so that it would not block the sun.
We talked.

Every night without fail, between us and the tree .. .
there was this little cement slab that became the meeting place for the local frogs.
I absolutely refused to walk on the grass after the first night in the evening.
They would sit facing out .. .except for that one ..

Some mornings we would wake really early . . . .
early enough to still see the moon before it set in the ocean.

Would we go there again?
Oh yes,
Most definitely.

This morning we have snow. Light snow, mind you.
This week we've enjoyed remembering how wonderful it was.
We'll hang onto the memories of complete relaxation,
soon, once the snow stops .. . (will it ever?) . . .
we'll start to think of camping at a government campsite .. .in our tent.
In the meantime, we'll enjoy the life we have here on the farm, just the two of us.
We are incredibly blessed to have a healthy relationship,
wonderful friends that enrich our lives,
We have children who mean the world to us .. .
and those babies, oh those babies, . . .
every day is a gift and there is always something to look forward to
today and tomorrow and on the weekend.
I'll make fun . .. . .
because that next vacation is a long long long way off.
Have a great day my friends, I'm off to get my roots looked at ..
again? you ask?
I wrote it on my calendar wrong.


  1. Beautiful post Lovella. I am so glad you got that moon picture and the funny frogs and EVERYTHING. It is hard to imagine going from tropical glory to snow. I'm glad you are good at making fun anyway. Here's to the next thirty years!

  2. Love the moon over the water shot. Sometimes, waking in the middle of the night presents so many hidden treasures, that you almost want to wake everyone else too. But then you think of it as a personal gift from God. What amazing creativity and thoughtfulness of Him!

  3. I have really enjoyed your vacation and glad you had a great time together. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  4. I've been enjoying your holiday posts immensely!! Your ocean, sunset and moonlight shots are breath-taking. I'm so glad that your getaway was such a sweet memory-maker for you and Terry.

  5. You must frame that moonshot...it's just perfect! Wonderful memories.

  6. Ohh.. I LOVE the things that were important to you from your vacation... the quiet gentle things that last .. not the hussle and bussle of the man-made stuff !
    Your photos are beautiful.. and I love the frogs.. do they croak the same as ours ?? but I'm with you .. no walking on the grass after sun down !! unless I had a good flashlight !! smile

  7. I love your moon shots....well, I love all of your photos really, even those cute frogs sitting on the sun-warmed cement slab and surveying their kingdom. But I think I'd refuse to walk on that grass too....

    You are so right....every day is a gift!

  8. All of the pictures are beautiful, but that first one. Ohhhh, that first one!

    Good thing that you have memories of warm days and mild nights to carry you right over the weather blips in your own world.

  9. I have really enjoyed your postings this week about your wonderful time away together. The photos are marvelous! I'd definitely pick one for framing (that moon shot...wow!). You've made some wonderful memories and I appreciate so much that you've shared a bit of them with us.

    God created an incredibly beautiful world, didn't He? Simply amazing.

  10. Oh Lovella, those pictures could be postcards... what a paradise! What wonderful views to share with your special man.

  11. Oh again the glorious photos! Lovely. I'm so glad you got a picture of the frogs. What sweet memories. It's snowing here right now.

  12. I always tell people that going to Hawaii is a total waste. If you go you'll just want to go again, so obviously it's not satisfying. We've been there three times and we still aren't satisfied. I was planning on moving there at one point...even owned property there.......we moved up northern bc instead. ( stupid! stupid! stupid!)

  13. Wow, you really did capture that moon well!!! The frogs are hilarious!!! That was a great picture! :) Now I'm going to have to look forward to going somewhere like that someday..... We have a friend who is a pastor over there -- we keep trying to convince him that we need to have some sort of a pastor's conference over there. :)

  14. What a wonderful 'moon shot'. It needs to be framed!
    Oooh I wouldn't walk on that grass at night either, not with that many frogs around!
    Nice pic of you and Terry...were you dancing?
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics!

  15. I think I said it before...absolutely delicious! I do love a good full moon. Gorgeous pictures and such wonderful memories to keep you warm until this ridiculous weather warms up! I'm ready for spring now.

  16. We sure could be writing the same stories. We just need to ditto.
    Some beautiful shots.
    Those memories are forever stitched in our hearts. I can tell.
    Those frogs would of freaked me out!!
    It's bad enough with those big cock roaches.
    I can tell you will enjoy more good times together.

  17. You're pictures are beautiful! Looks like you had a fantastic get-away!
    What a romantic destination to celebrate 30 years together!

  18. Lovella, that picture is stunning! I'm glad you got up at 4 am so I could enjoy it with you. :) What a great way to celebrated your amazing union. From what I've seen, you two deserve it.


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