bloggy walking club. .. week 7

Well here we are at week #7.
As you can see, I had a few days where my steps didn't add up and I had to walk a little more to make up for it.
I've really enjoyed hearing from you how you are doing and how you are doing your walking. Some of you are walking with the help of a video or elliptical trainer and I think that's just great. It doesn't matter how we are moving but rather that we are moving and becoming more fit.
Happy March 1st by the way. I've been just itching to put my spring decor up on my blog and I felt that March 1st was spring enough to bring some cheery colors into my header. My inspiration for that is of course. . . .Paska. My lemons and oranges were sitting on the counter and I thought it would make a pretty header.
How about you? Doing a spring makeover in bloggy world. Let me know, I'll pop by to admire your creative handiwork.
I so enjoyed all of your involvement in the blog etiquette forum from yesterday. If you didn't have a chance to read all the comments or didn't add your ideas, please do that. I'd still love to read all the etiquette ideas from you.
Have a wonderful day, I'm off to do laundry, cleaning and of course. . . .
a batch of Paska. . .


  1. Your post is looking very cheery and springy, Lovella..I love it!
    I had some really great days and some slow days with my 'steps' but in the end I have a decent average of 10,546.
    I have a delicious aroma in my house as I just finished baking paska!

  2. Love the spring colours! And the paska is making my mouth water ... mmmmm.

  3. I love daffodils. You new header made me homesick for my old house with 300 daffodils planted in the garden. Sniff.

    Your paska side bar pictures look good enough to eat! Duh! I guess so...anyone who has tasted your paska knows how good it is.

    I did a re decoration on my blog today too. I'll be interested in seeing who else felt an spring time urge.

  4. Managed to do 5 days so far this week of 10 minutes on the bike with my stretches. I will keep it at 10 minutes for another week before upping it.

    Love all the spring pictures! Can't wait until we see something like that "for real" down here!

  5. Celebrating March first with a little spring cleaning (or laundry as it may be...)!
    I was positively invigorated by the new scheme! Beautiful! Thank you!
    And thank you for including me in the blogetiquite. Made for a very lively discussion, don't you think? I enjoyed seeing people come out of the shadows to add their 2 cents. Made for a wealth of commentary.
    Congrats on the walking. Very impressive.
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Even with all of my walking this week, my average is pretty poor. I guess that's because of spending all of my time in one room each day, cleaning and sorting and boxing up. Oh, well, even if it's not registering as a step, it's still a motion...a muscle somewhere is being used! My average is 5797.5.

    I like the new spring look! We just can't grow daffodils down here in Florida, but in Kentucky, I had hundreds of them growing in my yard.

  7. Hi Lovella,
    I've got my walking post up. Friday was so busy with so much activity it really threw me over in my averages. I still haven't had a chance to read your blog etiquette post but I'm hoping to catch up this weekend sometime. I love your new spring look and your paska on the sidebar! Blessings.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh yes, the first thing I noticed is that beautiful, beautiful header! I need to find a picture to use for "Spring" on my side bar in place of winter. I was waiting (impatiently) for March 21st but I think I shall follow your lead and work on that today.

    The Paska looks so very good! Another new wonderful bakery item that I've never made or eaten.

    My walking average is only 7293 this week...those doldrums had a grip on me for a while. Sometimes when I don't make it out for a nice long walk during the day, my secret is to go out at night and walk around my back yard (it's big enough for about 75 steps around). Miss Kitty loves to join me out there at night, sometimes I listen to my iPod (Chris Tomlin or Celtic Praise)...or just enjoy the fresh night air and look at the stars.

  10. I bought a pedometer yesterday at Target. I'm going to use it to help me with my training for the Sun Run. It's always nice to know how far you've run. Thanks again for another great idea! :)

  11. My average for this week was down almost 500 steps per day. But my average was 9,723 for the week and it is so much higher than two months ago, so I am still happy about it.

  12. Your seasonal blog change up is so pretty...fresh! I bet your house smells good today. As I left for work this morning I noticed so many buds pushing up in my garden and my neighbours yards. Can't wait for the blooms! Kathy

  13. I love the new header!! You've inspired me to change mine! I have added a picture to mine that I took at a summer fair!

    I'm still walking, but don't have the numbers to prove it!

  14. I liked your post yesterday. As a non blogger I hope I don't offend as I comment.

    I made paska this week on tuesday and then again yesterday. On tuesday I used a different recipe and let me tell you, definitely not as good as yours so yesterday I used your recipe and it turned out sooo good. Thanks for your expertise in the kitchen.

  15. I thought spring had sprung as the sun was nice and warm with temps above 0. Then last night the wind picked up and brought back minus 17temperatures for a high today. I bought Doris some roses to brighten her day a bit. I do enjoy your spring pics though. Although I don't miss the rain. Have a GREAT week-end.

  16. Beautiful springy header! What impressive numbers you walkers are adding up, too!

  17. I averaged about 10,000 steps on the few days since I have worn my new pedometer! (It is much more secure than my first model.)

    I also changed my blog to a more springy theme today...anything to bring on the season! Your photos are beautiful.

  18. Lovella, I love your lovely blog! :):):) I tried to get a fourth love in there, but gave up! I just found you today and will be back to visit soon.


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