celebrate with me!!!

Oh boy!!!!
This grammie is a little loopy and it's all from pure joy.
I just wanted to thank all of you for your love and well wishes.
During the last months so many of you have been a part of my excitement and many of you have prayed with me for the safe arrivals of our little ones.
You have no idea what that has meant to me and my beloved.
To thank you and to have a celebration I am once again having a bloggy giveaway.
Some years ago when we moved onto the farm, I asked Terry to make me some Christmas ornaments that reflected our new life together farming.
He came up with this chicken . .made me a dozen and I have enjoyed putting them on my tree each and every year.
Somehow having a new "farm hand" in training . . .it seems fitting that I part with one of my little farm ornaments. I will also enclose one of the little cinnamon hearts that I made this year.
This contest will close tomorrow night at my bedtime . . .
(again the rules are a bit loose)
Tell me,
what was the best gift you received as a child from your grammie?
or . . .
tell me . .
is there anything better in the world than being a grammie?
(big smirk . .)
Have a wonderful day my friends . .


  1. First of all, I would like to say congratulations to you once again on the safe arrival of your second grandbaby! That is soooo exciting. Please send my congratulations to Terry and Bea as well.

    Now the best gift from my Grandma/Oma... would have to be a doll that I got from her. It's very sentimental to me. Don't think I could ever get rid of that one. I still have it actually.

    Congratulations again on your 2 newest additions to your family!

  2. This is exciting - to have them so close - and one of each!! How fun. Many many blessings to your whole family.

    My grandma wasn't very involved in my life - I was #25 grandchild and my other nana died when I was only 3.

    But my husband's Nannie was a sweetheart - and her best gift to me was family stories and lots of laughter.

  3. When I was in Grade 2, everyone had Cabbage Patch dolls. I wanted one so badly, but my mom thought they were too ugly to buy and refused to get me one. When my Oma heard about that, the first thing she did was buy me a Cabbage Patch doll and I still have it - my daughter plays with it now. =)
    Angela (frequent reader, unfrequent commenter)

  4. Oh boy, a contest!

    Well, it was soooo long ago, but I have to say the best gift would have to be the red Christmas stocking knit just for me by my mother's mother. And I still have it. It's got a Santa face with a fuzzy white beard of angora yarn on one side, and a green Christmas tree on the other side decorated with beads and spangles, and around the rim at the top of the stocking it has my name and year of birth.

  5. I understand the 'smirk' but I'll bite anyway !!!
    NO, on this earth there is nothing better than being a grammie - by whatever name she is called !

    My best gift from my grandmother?
    When I was a child I soon discovered that my best Christmas gift would come in the mail from my far away grandmother. A couple of her daughters still lived at home at the time so I'm sure they had a lot to do with choosing the gifts...but my very best one ever was a doll house with hundreds of little parts.. all plastic but the details thrilled me... tiny dishes and furniture and the tiny family figures who lived in the house. I could not count the endless hours I played with it !!

    But even better than that was when my grandmother came flying in for my wedding. The first day she was with us ,I came home from school to find her sitting in the living room with her crotcheting. When I walked in she looked up with a greeting, lay aside her hand work, patted the seat beside her and said, "OK.. now come and sit...I want to know all about your love story." I knew she loved me and she was interested in the details of my life.
    That is the best gift any Grammie can give.

  6. My best gift from my Grandma was a red and green plate with the picture of a bird on it which I only learned to really appreciate in later years. My Grandma was a spunky lady and lots of fun in spite of hard times.
    I can imagine that you are feeling a little loopy with joy these days, Lovella..you do have 2 wonderful reasons for that!!

  7. TWO of them, how fun!!! Things will really liven up at the farm. In todays society your little miss N might compete with TC for helping on the farm. I'm thinkin' he would enjoy both there help someday!!
    The best gift I can remember getting was a miniture washer that really washed my dolls clothes with waer and everything. My grandparents had lots of grandchildren and all the girls got the same and the boys got the same. I have no idea what the boys got but I thought my gift was cool. I wonder what ever happened to it?

  8. Congrats on your grandson. What a double blessing you have received this Christmas!! I will share what my Oma sent me this year, which I was so very excited about. I received a package filled with her Christmas cookies!! And that may not seem like anything terribly exciting, but I won't be home for Christmas this year and when I bit into one her famous peppermint cookies, it felt a little like home and I could almost smell her house and imagine myself there. I wish you and your whole family much joy as you celebrate the new additions. God Bless!

  9. I'm not a grammie yet, but I can't imagine there being anything better!

    I remember that my grandma always had time for me. She would have me sit at her feet and read to her while she did her handwork. Later, she taught me to do the handwork with her. She would take us everywhere with her and either show us off or allow us to choose the supplies for our next craft project. Grandma's best ever gift was her time, and of course, her love.

  10. Hmmmm, the best gift I received from my grammie? I think it was one of the very huge, white mints that my Grandma always kept in her buffet drawer. They were "Canadian mints" --- in our minds --- as sis and I never found them in the US. My grandma had MS and I never remember her being able to walk or move around. She would sit in her big chair in her living room every day after my Aunt would get her up in the morning. I don't remember other gifts from her, but my mother said that when I was very small she would pay for materials for my Aunt to sew little outfits for sis and me. They were our gifts from grandma. Although her MS made it difficult for her to write, she would faithfully write me letters and would always end by telling me to be a 'good girl'. I still have many of the letters and treasure them. Grandma spoke German and sometimes it was hard for sis and me to understand her English --- but Dad would always help us out. She died when I was a teen-ager. She was a wonderful grandma and never, ever complained.


  11. Congratulations Lovella.

    The best gift from my grandma...well my grandma like most I guess was quite thrifty and she had over 30 grandchildren so it wasn't so much the gift, but the way it was given. Every year she would have our gifts in a toiletpaper roll which was wrapped in tissue paper (did I mention she was thrifty) and laying on the christmas tree branches as her decorations (again, thrifty). Inside these toilet paper rolls we would find usually money but sometimes soap. The money years were especially exciting. Don't get me wrong though, I do appreciate soap.

  12. The greatest gift from my grandmother? I have to say it was not so much the little 'presents' but all the things she taught me, that were her biggest gifts to me. Where should I start? She spoke only German, so as children we were taught German so we could communicate with our grandparents. That in itself, has been such a great gift...the (grand)mother tongue! She taught me to spool knit when I was just a wee thing. She came over often, and was such a hard worker...by example she taught me to cook, clean and garden. Her home was always perfect, with not one thing out of place and everything gleaming (and usually smelling of fresh zwiebachs!)...I guess that didn't rub off on me, but it will always be a picture in my mind. And here's a big one...she allowed me to live with her for one winter when I was 15 years old, in order to attend the private high school (MEI) next door. I'm sure I was not always the perfect houseguest...but what a gift from my grandmother! I just appreciate her for who she was...and the time and love she gave me.

  13. I wanted to decorate my bedroom to look antique, with a crochet bedspread. (My mom was into danish modern...)
    My grandmother surprised me with one that she had made long ago. Pretty nice.

  14. Nothing beats being a mimi....I'll never forget the first...My Beautiful Miss Moriah Victoria...
    I love them all - each is so special, bringing me more joy than I could ever hold in my heart. I already love #6...who will not arrive until this summer.

    My mimi was the best. She made me all my clothes, was a quilter, and baked the most wonderful bomb diggidy snickerdoodles! Her best gift to me was her wise advice.

  15. The gift that comes to mind is that of diaries. My Grandma gave me my first diary at age 11. I kept it quite faithfully and over the years she gave me more until I started buying them myself. Now I have 19 years of my life in diaries.

    My other Grandma, who I never met, also gave me a gift in diaries. When I was about 14 my mother found a box with all my Grandmother's diaries (beginning when she was a teenager, up through the marriage of her daughter, my mother). I spent hours and hours reading those diaries, and through them, coming to know the Grandmother who died before I could meet her.

  16. Let's see...I don't know that it's really a 'gift' but my Omi always had chocolate in her fridge for when grandkids came over and she was never stingy with it. (And I wonder why I'm an addict :)) My Oma always read us SO many stories and we read to her too - in German and English. I think it was just time invested in us that I remember most. Not an actually present.
    And although I have no experience, I have heard from many sources that no, there really isn't anything better than being a grammie. Unless maybe being a grandpa? But then I wouldn't know about that either. :)

  17. Congratulations! My best gift from my grandmother was always a new pair of handmade flannel pj's to wear to bed on Christmas eve and every night thereafter until we got a new pair the next Christmas. When I got older, I remember she made me an apron. I wish I still had it.

  18. I can't believe you've now got a granddaughter and a grandson - so much fun! I love Terry's little chicken; he's quite the creative guy, isn't he? So now for a story, so that I can win that chicken: one of my favourite Christmas gifts was a funny little doll that I got to buy while shopping with my grandma. I can still picture the floppy little body and cute little face - I was so proud that I got to pick it out myself. I'm kinda wishing I still had some of those favourite toys tucked away, but that doll probably wouldn't have made it with all the playing time she provided.

  19. Well, for heavens sake, Lovella...you get 2 absolutely incredible gifts in just a few short weeks? How exciting is that??? Aren't grandbabies the bestest gift in the world?

    The best gift I ever got from my Memere was a Barbie doll and incredibly detailed, handmade Barbie clothes...a brides dress and veil, dresses, skirts, tops...a whole wardrobe...times 2, as my little sister got the same thing! Can your Christmas get any better than this? I think not!!!

  20. My little one armed babushka (She lost one of her arms from the elbow down when she was young because of an infection) She was a wonderful believer and she gave me all her love and she prayed for me. I have two material gifts from her that I treasure also, beautiful hand embroidered table cloths and napkins (she embroidered them with one hand) and a crystal vase she bought me for a wedding gift.

  21. Oh fun.

    The greatest gift from my Grammie was her unconditional love for me and her verbalized beliefs that I could do just anything.

    She would tell me this after doing the most simple favors - like installing a new toilet seat for her. I could never doubt that I was loved. That's a good thing.

  22. Oh fun.

    The greatest gift from my Grammie was her unconditional love for me and her verbalized beliefs that I could do just anything.

    She would tell me this after doing the most simple favors - like installing a new toilet seat for her. I could never doubt that I was loved. That's a good thing.

  23. My Grandma LOVED to sew and each year would make us granddaughters something special. One year we all received our own custom made raggedy-ann dolls. Another year she made each grandchild a HUGE and cuddly stuffed dog. They were about 4 feet long and pefect for laying with on your bed. They were all different combinations of colors. Each dog had two big spots on his back to compliment his color. I still have mine! I wonder if it would bother my Grandma (who's in heaven) to know that my cat thinks that dog is her mama!!! She sewed each thing with so much love.

  24. Best gift...hmmm.

    My Grandma W gave me a native american doll that used to be hers, it was the kind that was for display only and I felt very grown up to be given this kind of gift. I was probably 10 and I still have it.

    I remember sleepovers and shopping trips with Grandma Klassen. With Cara and my cousin Erin. She'd give us each a little money and then we'd find some treasures together, then go back to her house for homemade buns and a sleepover. Very special.


  25. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing better than being a grandma!!


  26. There' nothing better than having arrived at this season of my life.
    I think I have enough blogs saved with Levi that would drive everyone crazy, so I try to even them out. I have a great one saved again....
    Enjoy your time with those grandchildren. Now it's your turn and time without having all those other pressures. I can't wait for my next time with Levi on Thursday!

  27. I can't remember one specific gift from my Granny, but I do remember that every year there would be several handmade gifts from her for each of us - things like stuffed animals or Barbie clothes. The greatest gift that both of my grandmas gave me was their time. As I grew older, each of them offered me many hours of just sitting and talking. My mother's mother became more like a mother to me after my mom passed away when I was 16. Both of my grandmas died within a few weeks of each other in 2004, and I miss them terribly! So . . . the best gift ever from either of them would be . . . themselves!

  28. My grandma Schroeder knit me a pink and blue outfit for my cabbage patch doll. Complete with jogging pants, a sweater ,leg warmers, a hat , and his name "Rocky" was stitched on the jogging pants. I was so excited because i knew how much time she spent on it . The fact That she would take an interest in what mattered to me was very special. My grandma Schroeder was always like that. I am sure Lovella that you will do the same!

  29. My most precious gift from my Grandma at Christmas was an early wedding gift. She gave me a crochet table cloth that she lovingly stitched. I am certain there were prayters prayed as her hands worked.
    It was not better than being a grammie, but to see you holding your little grandson tonight and then having my own turn was so special. Sharing these sweet moments with you was just another 'banked memory' that we will recall in years to come. Kathy

  30. my most precious keepsake came not from my grandma, but from my great grandma klaassen. she knit me an afghan in pink, blue and cream colors with pink tassels at the end. that thing kept me warm from the time i was a baby until... well, to be honest, i actually slept with it last night! she knit a blue one for my older brother and i can remember the two of us bundling up in them on chilly christmas mornings as we opened our presents.

  31. Congratulations on yet another grandbaby to love! What a blessing.

    The best gifts I ever got from my Grandma were beautifully crocheted baby blankets that she made for my girls when they were born. I still have them and hope to snuggle my grandbabies in them some day.

  32. Probably the most precious reminder I have of my "Omi" is a little victorian style card that she gave to her mom (probably around 1914). She ended up with it and I always loved going to her room (she lived with us) and she'd show me all her little treasures. This one was my favorite because the card was quite tiny and it had a little bird on it with a ribbon attached that, when you pull it the bird moves. Anyways, when my Omi passed away I took possession of it.

  33. My first Bible. It was ordered from Sears catalog in 1966. It was a KJV, black leather and zippered. I can still remember how it smelled and I enjoyed looking at the pictures it has in it from the Classics. I still have it and read it often. Your grandchildren will be blessed having you as their Grammie and Pappy.

  34. No better time to be a gramm...congratulations to you.

    we're due here in about 2 weeks.

    I think you'll enjoy my 200th post.
    bless you


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