What does Matter Most to me . .one year later?

Had I known one year ago today what blogging would mean to me, I would have seriously been giddy with delight. It all started quite innocently with me asking Terrence who popped by for a few minutes if he could get me started on a blog. Had he known where it would lead he might have said . .no mom . . .it's very hard, you won't like it and you better not.

How could he have known that occasionally he would have to reign me in in matters of "cameraitis". The roles of parenting seem to have changed with me now regularly asking for permission from my kids. It's actually been a very good exercise in learning boundaries and respectful attitudes to our grown up kids.

Having said that . . .I have learned wonderful and fascinating things. By now, I at least should know What Matters Most to me. I've certainly learned that I thoroughly enjoy writing. I didn't know that one year ago. Other than writing several eulogies and one birthday speech I never ever had written anything of substance. I've always loved to read and perhaps the rhythm and flow of words have sunk into the deeper recesses of my brain.

I've learned that I can easily be lost in the joy of photography. Taking pictures and enjoying them for myself is fine and dandy but sharing them with you feels like I'm asking you to take a peek into the gifts that my heavenly Father lays before me daily. I have taken pictures nearly every day since I've started this blog and everyday there is something new and interesting to see. I didn't always notice the little changes in the seasons day to day. Watching peoples expressions generally have a frame surrounding their face in my mind.

I've realized that I really do want to share my faith with you. Perhaps you and I already share it, and maybe we don't. I hope that I've been able to give you a clearer window into what a personal relationship with Jesus is like. My life certainly is not perfect and I still often say hurtful things and my conscience is pricked but everyday I am forgiven and I am given another chance to live a life that is pleasing to my Lord and Saviour.

(the plaque says . . ."He cares for you")

Having you along on a date or two or three has been fun. Personally, I feel as though I've uncovered another layer in my relationship to my husband. I've noticed that telling you what he means to me has been an encouragement to him but also it has made me realize what a precious gift a marriage is. Occasionally I've had enquires about our marriage and there has been some doubt as to the validity of what I propose our relationship to be . . . I assure you that I married a gem and he is worth all I present him to be.

I've realized again that all work with no fun makes for dullsville. When I took you along camping this summer you had fun didn't you? The hiking the campfires and the food . . .with just the two of us . . . .in a tent . . . .I can't wait for next summer.

I realize that celebrating milestones and holidays are a gift. I love to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and whatever else I think to celebrate. With all the heartache in the world, we need not have things to bring us joy but rather good relationships with family and friends. Our kids and our extended family are the essence of sweet moments in daily life.

Considering what Terry and I would do without caring and loving relationships is a little frightful. Each relationship brings something to who we are. We need to watch others younger and older to learn from and glean tidbits from places they have been.

This year we are anticipating that our role as Grandparents is nearly here.

We want to mind our own business . . .quite frankly. In this day and age of information at each and every turn . .it is not unsolicited information our children need . . .they need love and support to parent in a way that suits their personalities. We've raised our children . . .now we will offer support and encouragement as they raise their children.

At times my life may seem to be an open book for all to see. When our grandchildren arrive . . ..you will know. You will see the sun shine a little brighter and the stars will sparkle with a special twinkle and you will hear us crowing from the barn roof.

What you won't see for quite some time is our grand babies faces . This will remain a private and protected place in my heart. I feel as if I know the 20 people that comment each and every day. I don't know the 130 others that stop by to visit. Thank you for understanding this grammies heart. While our children are picking names . .this grammie is having fun picking stage names so that when I provide you with tidbits into the goings on at grammies house . .you will have a name to add to the imaginary face.

Doing this right . . .really matters to me.

I really have enjoyed being a teacher in my kitchen. I've gotten a real kick out of cooking and taking step by step pictures of my baking and cooking.

It absolutely thrills me to know that someone has tried to make something that they had never tried. Imagine that?

You have no idea . . .you really don't.

I've also enjoyed watching some of you learn to blog. Every one has a unique and different style but I feel a little proud like a mother hen with her chicks when I read a new blog that looks a little like mine.

Lastly if you started to read this blog a year ago today and you are still reading . . .give yourself a hug and accept my gratitude.

To those of you who have allowed me to drag you into my fun by being a sport in the "cameratitis" category . . . .you are a special person. Give yourself an extra hug.

To those of you who read my blog daily and encourage me behind the scenes with emails and thoughtful words ..your encouragement means just as much as the lovely and meaningful comments that appear each day.

For those of you who read my blog and have lurked and lurked some more. Stay . ..you are welcome.

To those of you who have become my friends this year, what a wonderful year it has been.

I have no idea where this will lead, but I know who leads me and for this I am forever thankful.

Hold on to your hats my friends . ..season two is about to begin.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Hey I'm the first to comment!! I'm glad that I found your blog Lovella - you have been a bright spot, an encouragement and a blessing! I'm looking forward to season 2.

  2. Great post Lovella..I am so proud and happy to "know you" through your blog, I so enjoy coming along in your journey of life!...you amaze me, you encourage me and best of all you are a sister in the Lord!
    Keep on blogging girl..love you, you are often in my prayers, you and your family.

  3. You are truly a delight, and yes, I'm one who often visits, but have only commented once or twice...I'm on vacation this week, and my son suggested that this would be a great time to lauch my blog...I'm not sure when that will happen, but was tickled to read your reflections on the past year. Thank you for sharing joy and beauty. Thank you for sharing your faith. Lord bless...

  4. A year worthy of an electronic record...you've re-capped it so well!
    I wonder if in heaven we will get to see lives that were not blogged displayed. Isn't it interesting to "practice" here and now about what will be recorded forever?

    Lovella, you are a delight and wonderful writer. I am so happy to read your writing each day, and LOVE all the pictures you have captured and shared. (Thank you, dear Lord, for digital cameras. Amen.)

    My hat is firmly being held onto..ready for year two when ever you are!

  5. I'm sure you have blessed many readers in this past year! Today's 'Daily Bread' devotional spoke about the power of words...we can use them in destructive ways or to build up and encourage. I immediately thought of your blog and what an encouragement it is. I'm new on this journey (blogging), but it's you who got me started. I googled 'paska' and found your blog...and kept coming back because each visit was a blessing. Keep up the good work!

  6. Oh Lovella, you really do have a way with words. I am so grateful I googled paska one day and your blog popped up. You have been such a blessing to me. I have laughed, shed some tears, and my mouth has watered a few times over the things you make. Hopefully, one day my blog will be as beautiful as yours and I hope that I can also reflect my relationship to Christ. God bless as you start season 2.

  7. What a wonderful anniversary post, Lovella. I'm truly blessed to have found your blog. It's always a pleasure to stop by. I just wish I could bite into some of the wonderful things you make! :)

  8. Thank you, Lovella, for your daily sharing of your life and faith and beautiful snapshots or the life you lead. It is wonderful, and you are one of a handful of blogs that I read daily because there is always something delicious (food, thoughts, pictures) to enjoy. You have written this retrospective so well too . . . you are a blessing.

    And I think I'll have to Google "paska" just to find out what it is!

  9. Very well said. Your blog is always a highlight and an inspiration - you do a great job with it. Season Two: here we come!

  10. I've learned so much from you dear friend....farmgirlcyn introduced us and my life changed after that...I see and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life and you tone of "word"....I do believe that someone out in our tiny subculture of blogging has been drawn in to the family of God because of you.
    bless you

  11. I too have enjoyed your blog this past year. It is like my daily newspaper. Keep up the good work.

  12. I have visited often and been *blessed* so very much! Your sweet spirit inspires; your descriptions and photos are like visiting a good friend.
    It was not a whim that you "happened" to want a blog. You have a very fertile ministry here and I am so glad I just "happened" to find you.
    Someday, when we finally are inroduced by the One who created us, you will know all of us who lurked and love you.

  13. Lovella,

    What a lovely post. I do read your blog everday, even though I don't always comment. I have made many of your recipes and I love your photographs.

    Your faith and love of your family have touched me in many ways. I am so glad I have gotten to "know" you.



  14. happy first blog-birthday!! i have enjoyed your blog immensly this past year. God has used you numerous times to speak His truths into my heart. and i just want tos say way to go for keeping your grandbabies all to yourself! i fully understand...some things are just too precious to share with just anyone :)
    looking forward to season 2!


  15. ONE PINK, ONE BLUE....


  16. What a nice blog you have! I'm sorry I missed your first year! I'll have to read your archives!

    Congratulations on the new babies! A year ago, August 3 and 17, 2006, our two grandbabies, a boy and a girl, arrived, not twins, but cousins! They are so much fun, you are in for a real treat and many blessings!

    Yellow Rose Arbor

  17. So who snagged the big number?
    I hope they let you know.

  18. Jill . .nope they didn't

    annonymus . those are two sweaters our from the cedar chest when preparing for babies years ago. The pink one eventually was worn by a very close friends daughter.

  19. Thanks for saying "I could stay" as I am one of those lurking people who pop in everyday for a daily lift! Believe me my heart rejoices with you when you talk about your grandchildren who are anxiously waiting to be in your arms! Grammie hood is the BEST! What many blessings God has in store for you.... I'm excited for you! Keep up the great work on your blog... I look forward to the next year! Grace

  20. Hi Lovella! Congrats on one year! It's my one year this week too. So very exciting.
    I hope you come over and visit...

  21. Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging! I enjoy your pictures, recipes, and stories. I especially enjoyed your traveling around to show your blogging friend the sights in Canada.

    (I actually have tried to leave comments before, but I always get that dreaded windown "page cannot be displayed/" So I'm hoping this congratulations wish will go thru!)

  22. Lovella, thank-you for the hug! I claim it because I have not missed a single one of your posts!!
    You have done an incredible job and your writing has a definite journalist gift attached to it. The way you are able to put into words the essence of what you see and feel is like a well painted picture.

    I love the things this last year taught you...they truly do matter most.

    I wish you nothing but blessings upon your second year.... whatever will God bring?

  23. Well Lovella, as I have said to you before, you inspire me. And I believe God lead me to your blog to strengthen my own faith and truth about myself and who I know God is asking me to be and as I get near to a new chapter in my life, I will continue to read your blog to continue to inspire me to be the best that I can be! Thanks! Here's to season Two (oh and to our great Canucks also)!! :)

  24. Happy anniversary - write on!!!
    The best is (are) yet to come.
    From one grandma to another,

  25. very good post Lovella. You have many gifts and writing is one of them.I look forward to the year ahead for you as you enter into "Grandparenthood" Your going to be a wonderful grandma. I can't wait to be an aunt! So exciting!

  26. Well congrats on making it to the one year post, Lovella! Well done.

    Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us and sharing what matters most to you. You are an encouragement.

    Thanks too, for this lovely summary of what blogging means to you. :)

  27. Lovella -

    I just found you through Dawn at 4:53 and I'll be back often to stop in and get acquainted. Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging. I've been doing this for not quite 6 months and I share so many of your thoughts. My camera has never been so busy. Now I have a reason to stop and capture what I see and share it with my new blog friends. Thank you for putting in words what your last year has brought to your life and the lives of so many through your blog. I'll be back soon to read more! ~Adrienne~

  28. Hi Lovella,
    I am another reader who has been blessed and inspired by the sharing of your life in this way. I think that we can learn so much from each other as women. WE need to encourage each other in our love for God,our husband and family and you have a sweet way of doing this. I check out your blog like I would a favorite magazine...I love the recipes, stories, tributes, reflections, pictures etc. no advertisements and overall just a genuine spirit for sharing good things. Thank you.

  29. Lovella, congratulations on your first year. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you this way for these past several months (I can't remember when I first found your blog, but I believe I found you through Carolanne). I know that year 2 will be exciting as you experience big changes in your life. I'll enjoy hearing all about your little blessings (and I believe you're being very wise in keeping their faces and names private).

    Thanks for sharing your life, your beautiful photos, and your yummy recipes with us...as well as God's love.

  30. Thank you for sharing so generously from your heart over this past year. I have so much appreciated your openness and willingness to share your life.

  31. Congrats on a year of fun and inspirational writing along with great photos. I'm excited with you for the birth of those grand babies. Isn't it fun to prepare. Yours will feel very welcome. God Bless.

  32. Happy Blogging Anniversary! Thank you for blessing my life with your cheerful and positive outlook on life!


  33. Wow. A year already. You have packed so many inspiring words into this past year. I'm so glad we got to go for coffee at least once this year. Hopefully we'll get to hang out more because I know I have a lot to learn from you (maybe a games night with Nancy one night). Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Happy Anniversary.

  34. We chat and see each other more than I visit your blog, but I have enjoyed reading your posts and especially admire the wonderful photos you take. Your creative talent shines through in many ways. I know blogging has given you a real sence of fulfillment and joy. I think you may not have quit the time to spend blogging with two little grandbabies joining the family. All us Grandma's will certainly understand if you 'go missing' now and again. I'm so blessed to call you friend. Love Kathy

  35. I recently found your blog through a friend of yours (can't remember exactly how :) ). I really enjoy your beautiful photos and having a peek at your life. Thank you!

  36. I loved your anniversary post, Lovella! You do have a way with words, even if you didn't know it before now.

  37. Thanks for sharing the old German plaque. It's been many years since I spoke much German but I would so love to have one or two of the German verses my grandmothers had hanging on their walls. "sorgt"...the word brings to mind not only caring but a deep concern almost related to worry. This kind of care brought you through the year and gave you so much to share! Keep it up - from Judy's Texan sister.


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