It's nearly imperceptible, and yet early in the morning, the air has a different fragrance.

The flowers are still opening up and in some ways look a bit fresher with the cooler air. As I walk about the farm and look closer at the trees I see they are preparing for the coming season.

The cedar tree is busy pushing out its seeds.

The oak tree is building acorns.

The Italian Plum tree has lost a lot of leaves but is still holding firm to the plums that still feel hard.

The apple trees have less apples this year but the ones that have grown are bigger each day.

So, I also wonder how I inwardly prepare for the coming season. If someone was to look closely at me, how would I look different from early summer?
Has the Lord had any success at all with what he cultivated in my soul through the summer?
(I'm not looking for an evaluation from you here . ..smile . . .just thinking to myself)
I so desire to be more gracious, less touchy . . .
. . .still a work in progress.
Have you considered the work in your own soul, as you pause your work on this labour day holiday?
Have a wonderful day, I'm off for a walk to consider the consequences of the wonderful BBQ we indulged in last evening.
A beautiful post. And thoughtful. And thought provoking...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the early morning air and was outside in the dark about 5:00 this morning breathing in its coolness and looking at the half-moon directly above me in the sky.
now you cause me to evaluate myself... and I'm afraid I come up lacking in several areas of my life.. so I will do some soul searching of my own... thanks for the prompt...
ReplyDeleteI am visiting you by way of Deputy Domain.. and I really enjoy your blog.. stop by to see me sometime
Good questions...beautiful pictures! Thanks.
ReplyDeletePS I have been enjoying your blog ever since I happened upon it while looking for a paska recipe!
Aw, Lovella! You have been growing and preparing for this next season in life! I know! I can't say the same for me, but maybe its something so gradual that one can't self-evaluate easily. Love your metephor!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this reflection, which is beautiful in thoughts and pictures. Thank you for the questions, which I have made me think.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, thoughtful post!!
ReplyDeleteI can see the garden of your life bearing good fruit ! and thank-you for reminding us to check our own.
Beautiful and yes you have me considering. Fall is such a great time of evaluation...
ReplyDeleteI was reading Psalm 1 a while ago and it occurred to me that when it says "He is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither" - that it had to do with the root system. Strong roots take time. And they have been there so much longer than the season of fruit.