two goats for thankfulness

Do you remember the story about the
This morning when I was looking for this goat picture, the story kept niggling in my mind.
I was wondering if it was from my own childhood or that of our sons? I'm fairly certain that it was from my own childhood and I'm sure I also read it to our sons. I looked the story up this morning and read it through, and was shocked at how gruesome it was.
Probably the version that I read as a child didn't talk about poking the trolls eyes out. Nevertheless, you can read it for yourself if you are interested.
Where are we going with this you ask. Last week I told you that I wanted to honour the memory of Monica's family by donating $1 for each item of thankfulness. I had fun looking in the Samaritans Purse Catalogue American site (I do enjoy shopping). (canadian site)
I was delighted to see that as of this morning there were 91 items of Thankfulness. What just added to the fun of giving was how the goat giving took off. We have a whole herd of goats that will be going to needy families.
Several commenter's left a comment saying that their family also would donate a goat and I had friends in church stop and tell me that they would give a goat. I had people privately delurk to me in emails and also tell me that their family would donate a goat.

This morning I will press the donate button and when I do I will thank the Lord for Monica and her willingness to share so freely her story of love, sadness, courage and healing.

What about the picture?
I smiled when I realized that I actually had a picture of me with two goats? What are the chances of that? When that picture was taken 40 some years ago, the Lord smiled and said to himself . .she'll be needng that. ( I have a very vivid imagination)
I believe it was taken on vacation. On the far left is my brother Bob, my Mom is behind me and to my right is my brother Gerry (have you read his G string story yet?)
He is the funny one in the family.
Have a wonderful day my friends. I'm off for my 30 minute walk.
Tomorrow I'll post the multigrain version of no knead bread. I made it, and it is just scrumptious.


  1. Hurrah for thankfulness and thanksgiving goats! Three Billy Goats Gruff was such a fun kids story, with the trap trap trap sound of them crossing the bridge. At least that was the sound they made when I read the book as a child.

  2. I remember well the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and there was no poking out of eyes in the story I obviously have a sabotaged version!! smile
    Isn't it neat how years ago you were kissed by a goat, now you are the instigator of a herd of goats going to bless the needy.

  3. Hey Lovella..that picture is sooo cute! I too remember the Three Billy Goats Gruff story but don't remember the eyes being poked out..I'm glad I don't remember that! So many goats to the needy...way to go! This whole episode of thankfulness, sharing and prayer on your blog has warmed my heart...thank you so much for all of it!!

  4. Hi Lovella,

    Nice to hear that you and others were able to contribute a herd of goats to those that need it.

    I have the Three Billy Goats Gruff book that would have been the one Aunt Julie read as a child. Grandma kept it in fairly good condition and I now have it. I read it now and this is what it says "Great Big Billy lowered his horns and ran at the troll - bump! Splash! Into the river went the troll and no one ever saw him again. Bang, bump, Splash!" So I am not sure where the version of the poking the eyes out comes from. The version I have is a Whitman Tell-A-Tale book from 1950 something. Have a great day!!!

  5. cherie, yes that is what I remember. definately the gentler version.

  6. Lovella, you were a cutie with the little goats. I think Todd and I should buy one too. I think many of the fairy tales have origial versions that were quite nasty. Good thing those aren't the ones we remember.

  7. Lovella;

    Hmm, think as a kid I heard the poke yer eyes out version, as well as the mild version.
    I just love your name...have you blogged on that-its origin? I am new to your blog, so forgive me if I am asking a silly question.
    I am 'one of those' who reads through every name when listed in the bible, imagining the pronunciation and what they must be like. Perhaps I am a bit dreamy, but give me a list of names and I am a happy girl!
    Trip trapp, trip, trapp who is that tramping over my bridge! (actually I was more disturbed as a child that the little billy goats would sell out their bigger brother to the troll, just to get to the tasty grass.) I would like to think it was because they knew their older-bigger brother would be well able to handle that old ugly troll- somehow I always thought it was mean though.



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