regifting . .priceless

I have always enjoyed this picture of my mom teaching me how to knit. Let's look at it together. First of all the floor. . . no that is not shiny hardwood around the edges. . . it's linoleum . . all of it. Next, the curtains . . . plastic. The shine on the windows is plastic storm windows on the outside of the glass. A poinsettia . .. on it's way out. My brother included in a photo op. (apparently in the early 60's you didn't take pictures every 10 minutes. The foot stool is large juice cans upholstered over.
From my earliest recollection Mom did her best to teach me how to enjoy handiwork. I have done some of that but really we relied on her to knit the essentials.
A while back our friends Scot and Kathy invited us over for dinner. It was a celebration of our upcoming grand parenting. Twenty eight years ago Kathy and I shared the joy of having our first children with in one month of each other. That was essentially when our friendship began.
Within two years we both had our second child. They had two girls, and we had two boys.

At this point I want to say something that makes me sound very aged. Back in the olden days (snicker) we didn't know whether we would have a boy or a girl so preparations were made for either outcome. My mom knitted baby sweaters for boys and girls. She was ready. When our second child was a boy she decided to give the little pink sweater set to my friend Kathy's little girl Carissa since we were so close.

You can see that when I opened up the gift from Kathy I was overwhelmed with her thoughtfulness. Not only had she carefully preserved the sweater set for its eventual regifting, she had taken it to the cleaners and had it perfectly cleaned and pressed and wrapped as if it was brand new.

I recognized it instantly. Is her gift not just amazing? It truly blessed my heart that she would have cherished something that my mom had made for her daughter. My heart could hardly take in that she would understand as a young woman twenty five years ago that someday she would return it. She hid that idea away in her heart for more than half her life.

Now of course, I don't know whether we will have a little grand daughter or grand son. My preference is not to know . .I just love surprises. I just loved raising my little boys, and it doesn't matter to me if its a girl or a boy. We just pray for a healthy child. I may never have a granddaughter to wear that little pink sweater, but Kathy returning it so perfectly just because she knows me and understands my heart is absolutely priceless. Am I not blessed?

Have a wonderful day my friends, I'm off for my 30 minute walk.


  1. What a friend!! That is so thoughtful of Kathy and speaks to the kind of person she is!!
    And it is doubly special because your Mom made it - I'm sure when she gave it to Kathy she would never have guessed that her great granddaughter would wear it one day!
    And hey!!! What's wrong with boys wearing pink??? smile!!
    It is a beautiful sweater!

  2. Love the sweater ... the booties look pretty cute too!

  3. What a sweet friend to hang on to that sweater all these years.

  4. A friend indeed!!..what a gift..the sweater set is so cute and what a memory.
    I loved the pic of you learning to knit and I do remember the plastic curtains, linoleum floors and the plastic in front of the windows..oooh, now that ages me!!

  5. What a lovely and thoughtful gift, and what a pretty sweater!

  6. What a wonderful friendship. Kathy really has blessed all of us by re-gifting and by your telling of the story. That sweater is so pink and sweet. Enjoy these days leading up to the birth of your grand baby!

  7. That was SO thoughtful of Kathy to do that for you!!! WOW I can not believe how much tradition I've seen visiting you Lovella, it's simply amazing...(something I might see in a movie or something.

  8. now that my computer seems to be allowing me to comment freely again, i may just be commenting on every post again!

    i had to tell you that the story of kathy's thoughtfulness brought tears to my eyes! kathy actually played a part in my life when i was a young girl. she was my "pal" in pioneer girls! i remember very well her taking the time to plan special days with me. one time she gave me a little heart shaped stationary holder with a tiny pencil and eraser...i treasured that little thing for so long! i was such a shy girl and i'm sure it was nearly painful trying to get two words out of me, but she persevered!

    you have great taste in friends, lovella!

    p.s. after your sweet comment about my template, i for sure won't be changing it now ;)

  9. Oh Heidi, how sweet of you to mention that Kathy was your pal. I know she'll be tickled by that. I well remember her doing that.
    I also remember that you were shy and I always thought such a nice little girl.

  10. God works in mysterious someone said, if your mom could have known that she was possibly knitting a sweater for her great-granddaughter! What a special gift from Kathy!

  11. What a beautiful sweater set! How sweet of your friend to save that all these years.


  12. You are blessed!! Isn't the Lord good to give us such friendships!!

    I have several little sweater sets and precious outfits kept away in a drawer for the day when we have grandchildren.

    In fact the little pink sweater set looks exactly like that one. My mother in law bought it for my first pregnancy - a son so it was packed away - and taken out for 4 more pregnancies until at last with #5 it was put into use!!

  13. How sweet of you to post about the sweater. What a priceless gift I too received in the comment from Heidi. I loved the picture of your Mom teaching you to knit. She'd be so proud of you Lovella. Kathy

  14. This is a very thoughtful gift. Clearly reflective of your special friendship.

  15. That is the sweetest regifting story I ever heard! You are definately a girl who is blessed. What a memory to cherish and what a wonderful long friendship- I am happy for both of you!


  16. As all the others have said, that was such a thoughtful gift, keeping a sweater set for you!! I, too, love knitting!! I did alot when my first two were small. That last three weren't as fortunate. But now I enjoy knitting a bit for my grandchildren.
    If you ever see a bumper sticker that says: "I'd rather be knitting" get it for me, please! =)

  17. What a beautiful sweater and a beautiful memory! What an amazing gift and heritage to be able to pass along (providing there's a girl somewhere along the line. :))
    What a sweet friend you have.

  18. What a beautiful and thoughtful present!

  19. What a beautiful gift ~ both times; and what a precious friend!! :o) I have the sweater set (cap and booties) my mother knitted for me when I was born. It's blue as apparently I was supposed to be a boy. My first born wore it for picture taking purposes only since he came home from the hospital on the Fourth of July, the first *really* hot day Maine had that year ~ lol! Best laid plans and all that ... ;o)

  20. Oh for heavens sake, I don't know when I've heard such a precious story! What a blessed friend you have!

  21. That is SO great of your friend to do that. I love thoughtful gifts. Very cool. I, too, had one of those foot stools made out of cans when I was growing up. Loved that thing. :)


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