During the months following the tragedy Monica spent time with family at their beach house. She was dreadfully lonely and she longed for companionship.
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
In God's perfect timing, Rob from Canada went to Brazil for a one month vacation. Spending time on the same beach they found friendship and companionship. Family could not help but smother her with love and concern, and there by constantly reminding her of her loss. Rob was there . ..quiet when she needed silence . . . funny when she needed to smile . . . and easy going when she needed to vent. Willing to talk or not talk, whatever her emotions required he became something more than just a friend.
You welcome me as a guest,
annointing my head with oil.
During their time apart, it became apparent that love had taken root in Monica's heart once again. She often fondly speaks of "my Rob" and it makes me smile, since she also smiles. Perhaps there is some truth in the fact that unless you feel pain you can not truly know joy. In time, Monica came to Canada and Rob did to her heart what she never had imagined could happen again.
The minister prayed a prayer of blessing over them and the clouds opened up and the sun shone down.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and i will live in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23
It is "this" Rob and Monica that Terry and I have been blessed to know. After her telling the story, I couldn't help but notice how they looked at one another with love that radiates with peace and contentment.
They are a family the two of them. Monica has children . . .just not on this earth. I have noticed that she never begrudges another new baby for a friend. Monica has children, and she knows that she will see them again.
Monica has been blessed with a healed heart. She can speak of the tragedy with an assurance of hope. She knows that her Heavenly Father also knows the pain that she has experienced.
She loves "her Rob" of that we are certain. He fills her "love bank" as only he can. He makes her laugh and he expresses his love for her in special and wonderful ways. They are an example to all that know them of the hope that is a gift to each of us who accepts it.
Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life to all who will accept it. He can make our heart clean and live within us . . . just as Monica sang to Juliana that sad day.
Jesus can fill us with a hope so vast that it is able to overcome the darkest dark our life can ever imagine.
It is Rob and Monica's hope that their life testimony can help others. Every day she has sat down to read what you the readers have commented. It has been so special to her. Thank you for your care.
This story is a glimpse of heaven, a place where every tear has been counted, given meaning and season, and is now dried away and replaced by peace and beauty. The children will be a joy to meet in heaven one day, and how proud they will be to know their mother shone for Jesus on earth while they basked in His radiance in heaven.
ReplyDeleteI hope some day I will meet you Monica, either here on earth or in heaven. My preference would be both!
Thank you Monica for sharing your story. I am happy that you have found love again. Your story is so powerful - showing what God can do when we turn to Him in our pain instead of turning away.
ReplyDeleteI love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.Because he turned his ear to me,I will call on him as long as I live. The cords of death entangled me,the anguish of the grave came upon me;I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.Then I called on the name of the LORD :"O LORD, save me!"The LORD is gracious and righteouss;our God is full of compassion...when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul,for the LORD has been good to you. - Psalm 116
Thank you Monica for your story..what a testimony! I too am looking forward to meeting you in heaven! Your joy in the Lord shines through...and thanks Lovella for sharing this story in your blog. PTL!!
ReplyDeleteAs I read all of Monica's story I was reminded of Job - who also found God faithful, and who also lived in joy again. Praise God for mercies new every morning and for every good and perfect gift.
ReplyDeleteThanks for telling the story Lovella - a wonderful work.
God bless you Monica, and your Rob.
Thank you! Lovella! for telling Monica's story so articulately and thank you Monica for letting it be told. It is truly a story of God's grace..How wonderful He is turning everything for good, and healing the deepest wounds!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Monica, I feel a special bond with your little 'angel' since I share her name "Juliana".
Your unwavering trust in God in the midst of tragedy is inspiring and so God-honouring!!
I too would love to meet you...if not here then 'there' for sure!!!
Dear Monica,
ReplyDeleteThank you for allowing your story to be told. I'm so glad that the Lord brought Rob into your life. I rejoice with you that your loved ones are safe with Jesus and that you will see them again. What a happy day that will be! Until then, may the Lord continue to surround and uphold you with the peace that only He give.
Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony Lovella. I'm glad to have found your blog! Many blessings!
I'm so glad that the "guy in part three" showed up! God takes and He gives ... blessed are we when we can trust His heart, even when we don't understand His hand.
ReplyDeleteI love the Psalm that Ellie shared!
If I ever get to meet Rob and Monika, I want to know what made Rob go to Brazil. Our family has enjoyed a holiday at a beach house in Brazil, but it's just not where everyone goes on a holiday.
I too thank you for sharing this story. I cried when I told my hubby about it yesterday and thought about it again and again during the day, wanting to appreciate the time we have.
I linked your wonderful story!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this story. I am glad that is has a happy ending for both Monika and Rob. I think it is an amazing story that shows us that God is always there for us whether we realize it at the time or not. It reminds me that we need to always put our trust in him and things will happen the way they are supposed to - sometimes we tend to hang onto our stress and pain and if we just gave it up to God it would be much better for us.
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!
OH wow~
ReplyDeleteLovella-thank-you for telling this beautiful story of passion and refreshing life...that life still goes on-perfectly-even though their's pain around.
Monica-thank-you for allowing Lovella to tell this story. I guess you would kind of understand what my Mom is going through-except she can't remember the paramedics cutting her clothes off. I'm glad that both you and her are survivors and are alive to tell your stories of strength and hope! God is so powerful and such a blessing to have given you Rob ...I'm glad he makes you laugh, this is a must for me in marriage.. because when with someone 24/7 or so you NEED to laugh, hey?
Love from,
The greatest miracle and testimony to me is that amidst your great loss you have chosen to trust, serve and love God. I have heard from Lovella more than once how your life does not reflect bitter but such a love for Jesus. You are a tree of righteousness that God has planted, that He might be glorified. Kathy
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful love story. I cannot imagine going through such a heart-wrenching tragedy without knowing that my loved ones are with our Heavenly Father. How blessed are we who know and accept this!
ReplyDeleteHow doubly-blessed is Monica to have found so much love - twice! - in her lifetime. How blessed is Rob to have someone so special with so much love to give.
Monica and Rob, may God continue to bless you always in your life together, and may He continue to be glorified in the testimony of your life.
Lovella, thank you for so eloquently and generously sharing this beautiful story. You are a wonderful friend.
God bless you all!
I am Monica's sister-in-law (Rob's sister) and obviously very familiar with her story, but it never ceases to impact me whenever I hear it again. Monica is a tremendous blessing to not only my brother, but our whole family. Although I would never wish such a tragedy on her, I am extremely grateful to God that she is in our lives.
ReplyDeleteI am so blessed by all the comments,... you guys have no ideia what this did to me. I feel like I have so many more friends now.
ReplyDeleteI have to specially thank my friend Lovella, which God brought into my life and showed such interest in my story... I aknowledge all the hours she spend working on this, she's the best.
I could never have done it on my own.
I can honestly say that I'm sooo happy with my Robie, he is the sunshine in my life ( a little wild at heart) but thats ok, I love it, because thats the way God made him,
and "MY FAMILY"...ohh my family so many good memories ..., I am so sure that we will see each other again , can you guys imagine how that will be??? no one takes that assurance away from me.
Thanks again...
Ok . .. now I'm weeping.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting your story be told. You and Rob are wonderful people - we feel blessed to know you. It always amazes me that when we meet someone we have no idea what they have been through or how God has touched their lives. We know God has prepared an amazing mansion for you and your family!
I'm so happy Monica is happy now! Does that make sense? Like what Kathy commented....the fact she is not bitter is such a testament to her faith.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I heard her story!
Oh, what a story... thank you Lovella for sharing and Monica for allowing your inspirational story to be told. I have not stopped thinking about it after I read it this afternoon. Wonderful to know that Monica has been blessed with new love and happiness again.
ReplyDeletethank you lovella for writing this story. our Lord does work in mysterious ways. monica would say, "when i finally see Jesus, i'm going to ask Him, why?" i tell her that when she lays eyes on Him, she will know. it is i that feels truly blessed that God brought monica into my life. she can read me like a book and understands me down to my deepest soul. she truly is the love of my life...........
ReplyDeleterob (the guy in part 3 ;o)
so many thoughts come with the reading of Monica's story but this one speaks most loudly to me, 'How deep and matchless is His love for us that He would guide and comfort us through the most unimaginable situations of life.' Blessings to you Monica and Rob as you continue to be a testimony of His love and mercy. Thank you for sharing your story.
ReplyDeleteMy day and life have been so encouraged and blessed reading how Monica has found God to be her Rock whatever she is going through. Heaven will be the ultimate satisfaction and joy as we bask in the love and worship of our Saviour and enjoy perfect relationships with everyone we hold dear to us. I too have a very special "Rob" who means the world to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lovella, my girls and I continue to be delighted, instructed and touched by your blog. When life is busy with work and commitments its a lovely way to feel you still are visiting with old friends you rarely see. I still am very very grateful for your friendship and encouragement when I started my first job in Abbotsford - fresh off the boat from Africa with millions of adjustments for our family. Keep reminding us of God's faithfulness and love as you do on your blog, you write it so well. Love Gloria d
Monica I feel led to pray for you...
ReplyDeleteFather I thank you for Monica's story, for her life, for the healing and peace you have poured into her life. God I ask for you to continue to use her life to bring you glory. Father I ask that you would open doors that she would be able to walk through, knowing that you have gone before her to give her (more) opportunity to glorify your name throught the testimony of her lips.
I pray that her attitude would be a beacon of light in this world that is so filled with darkness and hopelessness. May those who have not yet found the Light be drawn to her and may you strengthen her and fill her so that she can confidently walk through this life knowing that you indeed have a plan for her life, plans to prosper her and to give her hope.
Lord I ask for your favor to be poured out over her, that you would bring her the desires of her heart and that you would answer her prayers that she has been laying before your feet.
May her days be filled with you Lord and may you put unspeakable Joy-unexplainable heavenly joy in her heart, mind, soul and spirit-this day and always.
I thank you Lord that you have shared her story with me and my family. Bless her, enlarge her outreach for you, keep your hand on her (guiding and directing her path) and Lord that you would keep evil from her and her from evil. May your Name be glorified!
In Jesus' name I pray...
Monica...years ago I heard about this horrific accident and so did my future husband whom I hadn't even met yet and we both remember praying for your family, as did many people all over the world. Who would have thought that we'd ever have a chance to meet you and better than that, be honored to have you and Rob as some of our dearest friends now. Your story touches our heart everytime we hear it. Rob and Monica we thank God for you and we love you. Lovella, bless you for writing this. Ron and Hilda
ReplyDeleteMonica is my sister-in-law (I am Rob's sister) and we are so thankful for her...she is such a special part of our family...our kids just love their 'Auntie Moni'. Monica, you are truly a remarkable woman, and your loveliness blesses all who know you! Sylvia