It is almost two years ago since I first met my friend Monica. She often helps Dorothy up at Sweet Dreams B&B where I also enjoy the company of women and the satisfaction that I
receive in helping a friend. On one
occasion Richard and Dorothy had a group of us over for dinner and at the end of the meal Richard asked Monica if she would be willing to tell us her story. As she shared with us her life we couldn't help but be moved by the enormity of the events that have molded her into the woman she is today.

Thank you Monica for allowing me to have the
privilege to tell your story for I believe it is one of hope and healing. It is fairly lengthy and I will tell it in three parts. If you are like me you have often wondered how you would cope in the worst case scenario. Seeing Monica and her attitude to life I have seen that she has lived through the worst and has not only survived but has become a beacon of beauty and strength and hope.

She was born in Curitiba Brazil and was the middle child with an older and younger sister. She fondly remembers growing up in a loving and caring home were she lived a life free of care or concern. She attended church with her family and developed wonderful friendships in her youth group. When she was thirteen years old she attended a Billy Graham Crusade and it was there that she walked down the aisle and committed to live her life for Jesus Christ. It was in her early teens that Monica and Carlos her childhood friend began to care about one another and soon it became apparent that their relationship was special and developing into something deeper. When Monica was fourteen and Carlos was fifteen he asked her if she would promise to someday be his wife. She readily agreed. Five years later, deeply in love they married and began their life together. In the early years of their marriage they moved to Northern Brazil where they operated a family Plywood Factory. Together they enjoyed many recreational
activities. They were busy enjoying life. Either they were out on their motorcycle or jet ski or
water skiing. Their lifestyle allowed them the pleasures of entertaining, spending time with friends and luxuries that young couples only dream of.

After enjoying four years as a couple Carlos and Monica started a family. On October 9, 1987 Monica gave birth to their first child, a son. They called him Luciano. Two years later in 1989 on the 14 of December their beautiful little daughter Juliana was born. Monica loved being a mother.

With her eyes shining she smiles as she tells me that they had such wonderful times together. Life was everything she had always dreamt. She had a husband who loved her and was a strong God fearing leader not only in their home but in their community. She had two beautiful and healthy children who were her pride and joy.

Monica loved the routine of family life. She enjoyed every aspect of motherhood and relishes the memory of nursing both her babes for seven months. Every evening Carlos helped her put the children to bed. He would kneel on the rug beside the bed with Luciano and Juliana and pray with them. Day in and day out the routine never changed. The children grew and their personalities flourished. Luciano was already showing signs of leadership like his daddy. He loved playing with the large group of children that were often over to visit. He was a happy and enthusiastic little boy. Juliana was a serious, quiet little girl. Her personality was already developing a very feminine side like her mommy. She loved to dress up in pretty things and would hold ever so still so that her mommy could change her earrings.

Carlos wanted the children to appreciate
their mother. Mothers Day was looked forward to with Luciano and Juliana excitedly keeping secrets and on Mothers Day morning, Monica was treated to a basket full of treasures. Luciano proudly presented his Mother with a clay pot that he had made himself in preschool and Juliana gave her mother a bracelet. Not only did she have a wonderful family with Carlos and the children, she also was blessed with wonderful parents in law who loved her and treated her kindly. Often her mother in law would say to her "Monica, you are a lucky girl". I can imagine the smile on
Monica's face as she readily agreed. What more could a woman want? The home that they had just built was a place where family and friends regularly were made to feel welcome, her husband loved her, and her children were healthy. Life was wonderful.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
Did you have to stop? It sounds like a fairy tale that is about to introduce the bad part...that we may not want to hear.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Curitiba as a child. Now I'm really curious where she lived, but she probably was not even born yet when I moved to Canada. I look forward to reading more, believing that God has worked something special in her life.
I echo Anneliese in saying "Did you have to stop?"
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family.
Anneliese, if you email me ( my email is on my profile page . .just click on "view my complete profile" and you will find it) I will ask Monica where she lived and let you know.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I agree totally with Anneliese in saying that I too thought it to be a fairy tale with a bad surprise ending..but it was like it the fairy tale didn't even end~ AW!!
Monica lived in Curitiba in the suburb of Aqua Verde....
ReplyDeleteOh, so there's a guy in part three? That helps. I lived in a suburb of Curitiba called Boquerao
ReplyDelete(the last two letters should have a little wave on top - a Portuguese language thing)
Monica truly is a beautiful woman ... inside and out. I've been fortunate enough to hear her story and I still can't wait to read the rest. What gorgeous family pictures!
ReplyDeleteI love life stories...but I'm echoing the above comments... I really hate being forced to wait in the middle of the story!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family, and lovely pics.
Nice story writing Lovella.
ReplyDeleteoh i hope u finish the story tomorrow lovella. i got so into it and then it ended!
ReplyDeleteWill you please post part two tomorrow ?!??!?!?
ReplyDelete3 parts?!?! I have enough waiting and stress from my Canucks and now I need to wait for 3 parts...I love this woman already!!