New Years Day

Copious amounts of Portzelky were consumed by all. My family came over later in the afternoon as if on cue. I tried to encourage everyone to have a healthy bowl of Turkey Soup. Terry reasoned that if he ate the soup first he might not be able to have an appropriate amount of Portzelky.
Dwain and Lori came with their boys and had already discussed a quota but quickly renegotiated that number when they saw that I had made them a bit smaller this year. It was a very informal event and it was great to be together for a few hours. Later I sent home goody bags and felt satisfied that I once again kept the tradition alive. I didn't take pictures of everyone and I'm not sure how I dropped the ball on that but at least I have a few memories captured.
So, 2007 begins and I trust that it will be a wonderful year for all those I love. We never know what the future holds but I know who holds the future.
I will once again this year strive to be a little more like Jesus. I will once again strive to be less prickly and more gracious. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to once a year feel like I can begin anew.
Happy New Year everyone.

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  1. Hi Lovella, I think we've met before, but in case we haven't, I'm Fiona and I'm friends with your nieces, Lori and Tammy. I've been shamelessly blog stalking you for some time now, but thought I'd "out" myself today. Last night Lori came to a movie with us after being at your place, and she graciously shared some of your portzelky with us. She brought us each one in a baggie with sugar on the bottom. I know those are coveted items, so thanks Lori, for sharing, and thanks Lovella, for making such great portzelky. My parents don’t live in the same province as me anymore, so it’s VERY much appreciated when I get to enjoy some good, ol’, Mennonite foods! And thanks for your encouraging, beautifully written words. I really enjoy reading your blog. :)

  2. Sounds like our new years days were quite similar - lots of food & family! It really doesn't get much better, does it?

  3. Yes, I must agree with Fiona and like I said when Lori handed us the baggies during the movie, "A little bit of Heaven in a baggie." Thanks Lovella (and Lori)for the lovely treat. :)

  4. Hi Lovella, I tried your recipe for Portzelky this year and they turned out great !! Of Course with me being celiac I couldn't have any .. but we all need an excercise in self control, right? Keep up the good work on your blog.. I'm proud to link it on mine!! julie


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